Religion and Ethics Forum
Religion and Ethics Discussion => Christian Topic => Topic started by: NicholasMarks on November 25, 2015, 05:12:50 PM
What is God’s Evolution??
When we have placed Almighty God on the highest pinnacle over all the spiritual/electric laws behind Creation and shown that Jesus Christ had a full understanding of his father’s spiritual/electric laws we can take a deeper look at these electric laws to answer questions that we can’t seem to get answers to very easily…questions such as…What is evolution??
Evolution appears to have exploded in the early days after this planet became suitable for life and then it tailed off…Why??
It seems to have moulded and fashioned all species around the environment that became its home…Why??
It branched into male and female…Why??
Except for the human race, which prefers stodge and stale food, the creatures of evolution survive by eating fresh, newly deceased, living cells, which they hunt and track and have developed specialised senses to enable capture…Why??
Well…there is only one set of answers that explain it as it is presented to us…and that is what I want to discuss here because genetic repair is the direct opposite of genetic damage and Jesus Christ knew all about this without any doubt. A key principle being that reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code reinforced by the simple fact that reaching out for Jesus Christ alters it to.
A decent and relatively recent textbook on evolutionary biology is all you need, Nick.
(P.S. God/Jesus is not a factor in the ToE and, therefore, is irrelevant.)
What is God’s Evolution??
When we have placed Almighty God on the highest pinnacle over all the spiritual/electric laws behind Creation and shown that Jesus Christ had a full understanding of his father’s spiritual/electric laws we can take a deeper look at these electric laws to answer questions that we can’t seem to get answers to very easily…questions such as…What is evolution??
Evolution appears to have exploded in the early days after this planet became suitable for life and then it tailed off…Why??
It seems to have moulded and fashioned all species around the environment that became its home…Why??
It branched into male and female…Why??
Except for the human race, which prefers stodge and stale food, the creatures of evolution survive by eating fresh, hewly deceased, living cells, which they hunt and track and have developed specialised senses to enable capture…Why??
Well…there is only one set of answers that explain it as it is presented to us…and that is what I want to discuss here because genetic repair is the direct opposite of genetic damage and Jesus Christ knew all about this without any doubt. A key principle being that reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code reinforced by the simple fact that reaching out for Jesus Christ alters it to.
Here we go again! ::)
Floo, Gordon:
I would disagree with you there is still hotly disputed between scientists themselves and Christians have failed to see that Almighty God, though resurrecting this planet from a void, tidally locked state, still made man and woman using the genetic mechanics that was already well suited to the environment he restored. What science hasn't realised yet is how the living cell came to function as it does and how it was able to change to accommodate the various and different influences upon them such as climate change, food abundance or its scarcity, shelter, camouflage and of course the loving aspect of their behaviour which animal lovers quickly endear to.
You see...the common denominator here is 'nervous expression' and this is an energy which we have already discussed at great length.
What is God’s Evolution??
When we have placed Almighty God on the highest pinnacle over all the spiritual/electric laws behind Creation and shown that Jesus Christ had a full understanding of his father’s spiritual/electric laws we can take a deeper look at these electric laws to answer questions that we can’t seem to get answers to very easily…questions such as…What is evolution??
Evolution appears to have exploded in the early days after this planet became suitable for life and then it tailed off…Why??
It seems to have moulded and fashioned all species around the environment that became its home…Why??
It branched into male and female…Why??
Except for the human race, which prefers stodge and stale food, the creatures of evolution survive by eating fresh, newly deceased, living cells, which they hunt and track and have developed specialised senses to enable capture…Why??
Well…there is only one set of answers that explain it as it is presented to us…and that is what I want to discuss here because genetic repair is the direct opposite of genetic damage and Jesus Christ knew all about this without any doubt. A key principle being that reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code reinforced by the simple fact that reaching out for Jesus Christ alters it to.
N M can you write a post without using unsubstantiated assertions? You've never put anything on this forum that can be substantiated.
Why's that?
Life couldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the living cell. It is the prime mover of evolution and so it is the living cell we need to understand before we can understand evolution. There are many aspects to this…some covered by science but also some overlooked by science and it is this I have tried to explore in parallel with the other things we have already discussed on other topics.
To keep it conventional I will stick to provable facts first than suggest what the whole of my science is telling me, and you, I am quite sure, will tell me I have got it all wrong.
The living cell appears to have two key component parts that come together and make a living cell, which then replicates…It is this replicating process that deserves a second look. It is all controlled by electric/magnetic forces.
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, are the typical phases of replication and if we watch these stages carefully we can see that hidden electric/magnetic forces are working this process. We could explain this quite easily but it is best to see, at this stage, that whenever this type of behaviour occurs where two magnetic forces are moving together we can generate an electric charge. Now this is our nervous strength which shouldn’t go to waste…it is the nervous energy of the cell and is responsible for maintaining a healthy replicating process whilst its surplus also enters a pool of energy that supports other cellular processes at various times of bodily need…so our pattern of wasting this energy via our excessive nervous expressions is sheer waste and, long term, has a massive damaging effect on our health…
This is also a part of the Christian message where we are taught to upbuild a righteous spirit, which is where I gleaned this from.
A decent and relatively recent textbook on evolutionary biology is all you need, Nick.
.............would that be one by Dawkins by any chance?
.............would that be one by Dawkins by any chance?
Could be, Vlad, could be - or any other competent evolutionary biologist.
.............would that be one by Dawkins by any chance?
As Gord of the Board said, could be - but there are some other absolutely cracking introductions to/explanations of evolution by scientists you're not obsessed with.
As Gord of the Board said, could be - but there are some other absolutely cracking introductions to/explanations of evolution by scientists you're not obsessed with.
I know this won't mean anything to you as your mind can make only elementary links but I am an evolutionist.
.............would that be one by Dawkins by any chance?
Given Sparky's car crash ignorance on the subject, I'd suggest Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True" as a good primer I think.
Given Sparky's car crash ignorance on the subject, I'd suggest Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True" as a good primer I think.
The Natural History Museum produce a good volume on the subject.
The Natural History Museum produce a good volume on the subject.
Fine - anything credible would do. The fact is that Sparky posted a series of factual mistakes or at best statements that display his deep misunderstandings about evolution so reading something on the subject should at least help him a little.
tidally locked state
I see that at least some things you were educated on from your last foray here stick! ::)
Now all we have to do is correct the rest of your swirly, whirly, candy floss based blatherings!
Life couldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the living cell. It is the prime mover of evolution and so it is the living cell we need to understand before we can understand evolution. There are many aspects to this…some covered by science but also some overlooked by science and it is this I have tried to explore in parallel with the other things we have already discussed on other topics.
To keep it conventional I will stick to provable facts first than suggest what the whole of my science is telling me, and you, I am quite sure, will tell me I have got it all wrong.
The living cell appears to have two key component parts that come together and make a living cell, which then replicates…It is this replicating process that deserves a second look. It is all controlled by electric/magnetic forces.
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, are the typical phases of replication and if we watch these stages carefully we can see that hidden electric/magnetic forces are working this process. We could explain this quite easily but it is best to see, at this stage, that whenever this type of behaviour occurs where two magnetic forces are moving together we can generate an electric charge. Now this is our nervous strength which shouldn’t go to waste…it is the nervous energy of the cell and is responsible for maintaining a healthy replicating process whilst its surplus also enters a pool of energy that supports other cellular processes at various times of bodily need…so our pattern of wasting this energy via our excessive nervous expressions is sheer waste and, long term, has a massive damaging effect on our health…
This is also a part of the Christian message where we are taught to upbuild a righteous spirit, which is where I gleaned this from.
Sorry NM I said all you do is to keep on making assertions, obviously I was wrong, you write copious amounts of complete bollocks too.
Another fitting description of your post would be, away with the fairies.
Fine - anything credible would do.
Yes The Natural History Museum were in the Public awareness of science game when Richard was in short trousers and sticking pins in beetles.
On stage before it wore off, ippy, Sebastian Toe, bluehillside, Shaker, Gordon:
As you might expect this electric charge or nervous energy generated within the living cell has an important part to play in the story of evolution and in the story of today’s genetic health, both in the animal kingdom and in human life. We cannot escape the fact that every behaviour pattern of every form of life is sponsored by this electric power even at the genetic level and so we know for a fact that mankind is somehow abusing this power.
This point certainly wasn’t lost on Jesus Christ.
On stage before it wore off, ippy, Sebastian Toe, bluehillside, Shaker, Gordon:
As you might expect this electric charge or nervous energy generated within the living cell has an important part to play in the story of evolution and in the story of today’s genetic health, both in the animal kingdom and in human life. We cannot escape the fact that every behaviour pattern of every form of life is sponsored by this electric power even at the genetic level and so we know for a fact that mankind is somehow abusing this power.
This point certainly wasn’t lost on Jesus Christ.
Be thankful NM even if they're not letting you out at least they let you have access to a computer.
On stage before it wore off, ippy, Sebastian Toe, bluehillside, Shaker, Gordon:
As you might expect this electric charge or nervous energy generated within the living cell has an important part to play in the story of evolution and in the story of today’s genetic health, both in the animal kingdom and in human life. We cannot escape the fact that every behaviour pattern of every form of life is sponsored by this electric power even at the genetic level and so we know for a fact that mankind is somehow abusing this power.
This point certainly wasn’t lost on Jesus Christ.
Please point to the chapters and verses where Jesus uses any of those phrases, or indicates that he thought along the same lines as you?
Please point to the chapters and verses where Jesus uses any of those phrases, or indicates that he thought along the same lines as you?
Here's one for starters Floo...but it is rather subtle so I'm not sure you will see it as I do...
'Take a tip from the lilies in the valley, neither do they toil nor spin, but truly I say to you, that Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed as wonderfully as one of these.'
Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health. .
Here's one for starters Floo...but it is rather subtle so I'm not sure you will see it as I do...
'Take a tip from the lilies in the valley, neither do they toil nor spin, but truly I say to you, that Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed as wonderfully as one of these.'
Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health. .
NM this part of your post above:
"Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health".
Have a think about it and try to tell me how you or anyone else could possibly have gained this knowledge, there's absolutely nowhere on Earth that you can find any evidence that could possibly support the things you have said here.
Try to write an answer, we all know you've been severely indoctrinated, so there's no need to use any of those indoctrinated assertions you can't seem to get out of your head, look for evidence to support the things you keep asserting and when you can't find the evidence to support any of them give them up they are worthless babble.
Try to write something sensible, for at the least once.
I look forward to reading a sensible post from you MN, no more babble, please.
Dear Nicholas,
What is God’s Evolution??
I am quite happy with Darwin's theory, okay happy is not the right word, maybe happy in my own ignorance of it, no, evolution is a bloody difficult subject to fully get your head around, and you are right, it is full of "why's".
Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health. .
No arguments from me old son, good health, mind and body are supremely important.
NM this part of your post above:
"Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health".
Have a think about it and try to tell me how you or anyone else could possibly have gained this knowledge, there's absolutely nowhere on Earth that you can find any evidence that could possibly support the things you have said here.
Try to write an answer, we all know you've been severely indoctrinated, so there's no need to use any of those indoctrinated assertions you can't seem to get out of your head, look for evidence to support the things you keep asserting and when you can't find the evidence to support any of them give them up they are worthless babble.
Try to write something sensible, for at the least once.
I look forward to reading a sensible post from you MN, no more babble, please.
Specially for you ippy...You must remember that Jesus ' ministry was 2000 years ago...a long time before modern science which now sees many of the hidden forces that no one could have possibly understood then. This is why he said that he has fed us with milk because the full scientific truth would have been and still is too profound to understand.
I am like a computer assembly language because it is very complicated writing in hex and binary but it helps if you have a more simplified version...Can you understand that??
Specially for you ippy...You must remember that Jesus ' ministry was 2000 years ago...a long time before modern science which now sees many of the hidden forces that no one could have possibly understood then. This is why he said that he has fed us with milk because the full scientific truth would have been and still is too profound to understand.
I am like a computer assembly language because it is very complicated writing in hex and binary but it helps if you have a more simplified version...Can you understand that??
"You must remember that Jesus ' ministry was 2000 years ago"... Another assertion NM.
"a long time before modern science which now sees many of the hidden forces that no one could have possibly understood then". Another assertion.
"This is why he said that he has fed us with milk because the full scientific truth would have been and still is too profound to understand". Another assertion.
"I am like a computer assembly language because it is very complicated writing in hex and binary but it helps if you have a more simplified version...Can you understand that"?? More incomprehensible babble.
Get yourself a good dictionary N M, look up assertion and then look for a description of babble, get someone to help you fully understand the meanings of these words and then perhaps have another try.
Here's one for starters Floo...but it is rather subtle so I'm not sure you will see it as I do...
'Take a tip from the lilies in the valley, neither do they toil nor spin, but truly I say to you, that Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed as wonderfully as one of these.'
Jesus was comparing the genetic make-up of a simple life form against all the trinkets and bling that made Solomon look special but gave nothing to his genetic health. You see...our health is more important than any other consideration in God's and Jesus' eyes, and it all starts with our spiritual/nervous/electric health. .
If that statement attributed to Jesus was actually said by him, I very much doubt it had anything to do with your interpretation of it! ::)
Dear Nicholas,
I am quite happy with Darwin's theory, okay happy is not the right word, maybe happy in my own ignorance of it, no, evolution is a bloody difficult subject to fully get your head around, and you are right, it is full of "why's".
No arguments from me old son, good health, mind and body are supremely important.
Hi refreshing.
The point about current evolution is, according to my understanding, that it happened a long time ago. It seems that the planet suffered a terrible calamity and became tidally locked for a period...not for too long though because it would have left an imprint but, it seems, that all life was lost or put into a state of limbo. When it was restored in the way Genesis tells us it was seed that was already in the earth that gave forth life and so there was a continuation, as if there had been no interruption...except it was now carrying a new species of human life.
The Holy Bible thus becomes accurate and Darwin is also a true-ish reflection of our past...but Jesus Christ was prepared to put his life on the stake to tell us how it all really worked by virtue of a special spiritual code built upon the foundation stone of all life.
Hi refreshing.
The point about current evolution is, according to my understanding, that it happened a long time ago. It seems that the planet suffered a terrible calamity and became tidally locked for a period...not for too long though because it would have left an imprint but, it seems, that all life was lost or put into a state of limbo. When it was restored in the way Genesis tells us it was seed that was already in the earth that gave forth life and so there was a continuation, as if there had been no interruption...except it was now carrying a new species of human life.
The Holy Bible thus becomes accurate and Darwin is also a true-ish reflection of our past...but Jesus Christ was prepared to put his life on the stake to tell us how it all really worked by virtue of a special spiritual code built upon the foundation stone of all life.
At least you admit things are according to your understanding! I hope you will also admit that your understanding could be very wide of the mark?
At least you admit things are according to your understanding! I hope you will also admit that your understanding could be very wide of the mark?
Only if Jesus Christ is proven to be very wide of the mark and there are millions over many generations who say he isn't.
Only if Jesus Christ is proven to be very wide of the mark and there are millions over many generations who say he isn't.
As has been pointed out MANY times just because millions of people believe something to be true, doesn't mean it is if there is no evidence to support the belief. Besides which NM, how many people actually support your version of the faith?
The point about current evolution is, according to my understanding, that it happened a long time ago. It seems that the planet suffered a terrible calamity and became tidally locked for a period...not for too long though because it would have left an imprint but, it seems, that all life was lost or put into a state of limbo. When it was restored in the way Genesis tells us it was seed that was already in the earth that gave forth life and so there was a continuation, as if there had been no interruption...except it was now carrying a new species of human life.
The Holy Bible thus becomes accurate and Darwin is also a true-ish reflection of our past...but Jesus Christ was prepared to put his life on the stake to tell us how it all really worked by virtue of a special spiritual code built upon the foundation stone of all life.
Evolution is an ongoing process, it is not some 'event' that happened in the distant past. Not sure what you mean by tidally locked, the Moon is currently still tidally locked to the Earth. And for sure there has been many catastrophes in the planet's past that would have augured against fragile and complex life systems. However we are here now, extant humans being the amalgam or survivors of many earlier protohuman hominids, and given a recent period of climate stablity we have multiplied and flowered (depending on your point of view) into organised civilisations.
Evolution is an ongoing process, it is not some 'event' that happened in the distant past. Not sure what you mean by tidally locked, the Moon is currently still tidally locked to the Earth. And for sure there has been many catastrophes in the planet's past that would have augured against fragile and complex life systems. However we are here now, extant humans being the amalgam or survivors of many earlier protohuman hominids, and given a recent period of climate stablity we have multiplied and flowered (depending on your point of view) into organised civilisations.
When I feel the time is ripe I will explain why there was once a wild expansion of the evolutionary process here on planet Earth and how it all fits in with the universal story of electric forces at work the way I describe, which is a result of Christian insight, which is an authority on the extreme sciences owned by Almighty God.
Though Floo can't accept it the evidence is staring us all in the modern science, and in the Holy Bible...It's just a matter of time, which the Bible says isn't really in our favour.
When I feel the time is ripe I will explain why there was once a wild expansion of the evolutionary process here on planet Earth and how it all fits in with the universal story of electric forces at work the way I describe, which is a result of Christian insight, which is an authority on the extreme sciences owned by Almighty God.
Though Floo can't accept it the evidence is staring us all in the modern science, and in the Holy Bible...It's just a matter of time, which the Bible says isn't really in our favour.
It is only staring you in the face NM! ;D
Nearly Sane:
Sorry about that Nearly Sane: I only answered half your question, didn't I??
It isn't me saying the planet was tidally locked for a time it is the Holy Bible...Genesis to be specific. There we are told that when Almighty God's active force surveyed the planet it was void...No active life...but darkness was on the face of the watery deep. Now we wouldn't expect Almighty God to choose a planet like Mars for his project would we?? But a recently lapsed life supporting planet would be ideal. A little push here and there and a fully functioning, life supporting planet, could be retrieved from a Mars like end to its usefulness.
It is likely that the holder of such an advanced science already had planet Earth under observation but that a sudden catastrophe caused the forces of Almighty God to investigate the full extent of the damage and so the planet was quickly restored after God's authority had been given.
Dear Nicholas,
A little push here and there and a fully functioning, life supporting planet, could be retrieved from a Mars like end to its usefulness.
You are the master of under statement :) :) it is said that he rested on the seventh day ;)
It seems that the Holy Bibles account in Genesis is likely correct then, according to my calculations Gonnagle, doesn't it??
It seems that the Holy Bibles account in Genesis is likely correct then, according to my calculations Gonnagle, doesn't it??
Well if NM's calculations says it is correct then it must be! ;D
Well if NM's calculations says it is correct then it must be! ;D
Well Floo...I have calculated, and not been shy to tell you all, that both the book of Genesis and the book of Darwin could both be be factual in contradiction to science and Christians, who have both had the code of God's authority in this matter held back for thousands of years...until both parties were able to understand it. ..and it all adds support to the electric nature of the universe which springs into life via the two dimensions I have told you about and from which all of Creation, all of science and the entire life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ comes into perfect harmony with each other.
But we have to listen if we want to benefit.
Well Floo...I have calculated, and not been shy to tell you all, that both the book of Genesis and the book of Darwin could both be be factual in contradiction to science and Christians, who have both had the code of God's authority in this matter held back for thousands of years...until both parties were able to understand it. ..and it all adds support to the electric nature of the universe which springs into life via the two dimensions I have told you about and from which all of Creation, all of science and the entire life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ comes into perfect harmony with each other.
But we have to listen if we want to benefit.
Listen to whom?
Listen to whom?
There is only one answer I will give you to this one, Floo...The accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. ..allowing the truth of his words to leap out of the pages to you rather than relying on someone else's interpretation which is very often tinged with iniquity....bearing in mind that most of Jesus' accurate word is built upon a science that is beyond our normal comprehension ...and you should agree with me on that least.
There is only one answer I will give you to this one, Floo...The accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. ..allowing the truth of his words to leap out of the pages to you rather than relying on someone else's interpretation which is very often tinged with iniquity....bearing in mind that most of Jesus' accurate word is built upon a science that is beyond our normal comprehension ...and you should agree with me on that least.
You don't even know for sure if what Jesus is quoted as saying was actually said by him,let alone the accuracy of the statements. Besides which, as I have said many times, whilst he said things which were sensible, others things were not, imo!
You don't even know for sure if what Jesus is quoted as saying was actually said by him,let alone the accuracy of the statements. Besides which, as I have said many times, whilst he said things which were sensible, others things were not, imo!
You are in denial Floo...another genetic obstacle we all have to face up to if we want what is best for us, which happens to coincide with what Jesus teaches. You will notice that denial features in many unhealthy attitudes which can all be overcome the same upbuilding our spiritual strength, and this is best served by taking in the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ.
You are in denial Floo...another genetic obstacle we all have to face up to if we want what is best for us, which happens to coincide with what Jesus teaches. You will notice that denial features in many unhealthy attitudes which can all be overcome the same upbuilding our spiritual strength, and this is best served by taking in the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ.
My dear NM, I think you are in denial about your rather peculiar take on faith, which I don't think anyone else on this forum shares, unless I am very mistaken!
My dear NM, I think you are in denial about your rather peculiar take on faith, which I don't think anyone else on this forum shares, unless I am very mistaken!
You are probably right there, Floo. So, a first for you there. :)
You are probably right there, Floo. So, a first for you there. :)
I think I had better just press on then and show how evolution came into existence and how Darwin's work is half true and how the whole work of the Holy Bible, in this respect, in particular, is totally true, because of Almighty God's overpowering logic over all the electric/spiritual nature that created the universe and which bears God's copyright which Jesus ratified, here on planet Earth, so that no other being from anywhere else in the universe can counter-claim God's authority...and this might serve us all in a very favourable way in the not too distant future...well those with some compassion, understanding and righteous insight...any way.
I think I had better just press on then and show how evolution came into existence and how Darwin's work is half true and how the whole work of the Holy Bible, in this respect, in particular, is totally true, because of Almighty God's overpowering logic over all the electric/spiritual nature that created the universe and which bears God's copyright which Jesus ratified, here on planet Earth, so that no other being from anywhere else in the universe can counter-claim God's authority...and this might serve us all in a very favourable way in the not too distant future...well those with some compassion, understanding and righteous insight...any way.
I do not wish to show you any disrespect, but my Christianity is entirely based on the life and teachings of Our Lord, Jesus!
Dear Nicholas,
Darwin's work is half true
Be ready for the posts, but then I think you always are ;)
Gods copyright, now that has me thinking ;D ;D
There was a scientist one time, and he went to talk to God and he says, "God, we can now clone humans, make life, and take care of ourselves and we don't need you anymore." and God said "ok thats fine, but I want to challenge you to a contest before I let you go. Each of us has to create our own human using nothing but dirt, and the first one done wins." So the scientist agreed and reached down to start making his human, and God stops him and says, "Whoa not so fast, use your own dirt."
I think I had better just press on then and show how evolution came into existence and how Darwin's work is half true and how the whole work of the Holy Bible, in this respect, in particular, is totally true, because of Almighty God's overpowering logic over all the electric/spiritual nature that created the universe and which bears God's copyright which Jesus ratified, here on planet Earth, so that no other being from anywhere else in the universe can counter-claim God's authority...and this might serve us all in a very favourable way in the not too distant future...well those with some compassion, understanding and righteous insight...any way.
I'd give up if I were you NM, no one is taking you seriously!
Dear Nicholas,
Be ready for the posts, but then I think you always are ;)
Gods copyright, now that has me thinking ;D ;D
Funny that, I suppose there are still some scientists that like talking to themselves.
I do not wish to show you any disrespect, but my Christianity is entirely based on the life and teachings of Our Lord, Jesus!
Then I spoke of you in a favourable light...didn't I...BasfulAnthony?? Even so...we can't know all the ins and out of the science beneath Jesus Christ's is far too profound...that is why we need faith but that doesn't mean the day wont come when all truth is revealed to us. (Now...isn't that Biblical)
Dear Nicholas,
Be ready for the posts, but then I think you always are ;)
Gods copyright, now that has me thinking ;D ;D
I write as I'm inspired Gonnagle, but it is all in my toolbox.
I'm sorry if I seems to offend Christians but iniquity has done a lot of damage.
I'd give up if I were you NM, no one is taking you seriously!
Giving up wasn't an option given to Jesus Christ and he is my role model...Floo.
Dear Floo,
I'd give up if I were you NM, no one is taking you seriously!
How to be nice on a dreech Friday afternoon, hard, but if only we all stepped outside of the box.
Funny that, I suppose there are still some scientists that like talking to themselves.
Most of them do ippy because the things they discuss are often not understandable until they have passed a logic test inspired by the scientist him/her self.
But how you can look out at a world that is a part of a universe that is totally submerged in electric science and not realise that all the answers to the universe are electrically coated, amazes me.
So ok, I'm not the best teacher on this subject but I am the best you've got whilst you insist on blanking Jesus Christ.
Giving up wasn't an option given to Jesus Christ and he is my role model...Floo.
Oh dear! If he was around today I reckon he would wonder where he went wrong with you! ;D
However if it gives you pleasure to show us the 'error of our ways' NM go for it, even though I don't think anyone is ever likely to understand where you are coming from, not even the Christians on this forum. To give you credit where credit is due, at least you don't whinge and whine like a certain other poster when the error of their ways is pointed out!
Oh dear! If he was around today I reckon he would wonder where he went wrong with you! ;D
However if it gives you pleasure to show us the 'error of our ways' NM go for it, even though I don't think anyone is ever likely to understand where you are coming from, not even the Christians on this forum. To give you credit where credit is due, at least you don't whinge and whine like a certain other poster when the error of their ways is pointed out!
Yes Floo, but you need to be working on where He went wrong with you, eh?
BashfulAnthony, Floo, ippy, Gonnagle:
We now have a working model that states that under the authority of an all knowing God...all the the galaxies and all the stars all the atoms and all the planets came into existence via a very complex spiritual/electric route and life is a by product of that route. We haven't offended Genesis because we aren't talking about the 'special creation' of our existence, we are talking about the time when, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth...but before the Earth became void.
Because everything on Earth popped out of a star and the best contender being our very own star, which has a clearout of all excessive dross every 11 years, then all the electric laws controlling the living cell did too. So...this planet is the result of solar waste from its early vibrant days...we just have to explore how the logical patterns all come together.
BashfulAnthony, Floo, ippy, Gonnagle:
We now have a working model that states that under the authority of an all knowing God...all the the galaxies and all the stars all the atoms and all the planets came into existence via a very complex spiritual/electric route and life is a by product of that route. We haven't offended Genesis because we aren't talking about the 'special creation' of our existence, we are talking about the time when, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth...but before the Earth became void.
Because everything on Earth popped out of a star and the best contender being our very own star, which has a clearout of all excessive dross every 11 years, then all the electric laws controlling the living cell did too. So...this planet is the result of solar waste from its early vibrant days...we just have to explore how the logical patterns all come together.
If it pleases you to believe all that to be true, go ahead!
All the clues begin with the Jesus Christ tells us that there are different laws, spiritual/electric laws accessible by following his ways by faith. Laws which can correct genetic malfunctions in an instant and much, much more.These laws are far too advanced for us even today but there are huge benefits to be had by following them in the way Jesus, and only Jesus, tells us.
When we realise that there are two dimensions to our existence which clash giving us a unifying force that is at the root of gravity, the Higgs, all magnetic forces and radiation, we are wise to look for its presence in the living cell.
Just like atoms, when we get to the electric root behind the living cell we find that it too came to planet Earth in its many trillions and it too shares a variant of the atomic type Higgs fact, it becomes more a question of how could evolution not work, rather, than, how come it did??
Dear Nicholas,
.in fact, it becomes more a question of how could evolution not work, rather, than, how come it did??
Funny but I see an element of Bluehillside, ProfDavey and even Prof Cox in that sentence, and not to worry, I know what I am talking about ;)
Dear Nicholas,
Funny but I see an element of Bluehillside, ProfDavey and even Prof Cox in that sentence, and not to worry, I know what I am talking about ;)
It's the Jesus Christ part that you might find lacking in other versions Gonnagle...the part that says electric/spiritual laws are the highest scientific laws we can achieve and we know this for a fact because Almighty God is a Spirit, made from these forces as well, and Jesus is we are following a path of great profundity not to mention one that offers resurrection and everlasting life.
It's the Jesus Christ part that you might find lacking in other versions Gonnagle...the part that says electric/spiritual laws are the highest scientific laws we can achieve and we know this for a fact because Almighty God is a Spirit, made from these forces as well, and Jesus is we are following a path of great profundity not to mention one that offers resurrection and everlasting life.
Assertions not FACT!
Oh dear! If he was around today
He is.
Assertions not FACT!
If Jesus Christ didn't start this quest for righteous obedience followed by millions and to vital laws that opened the gateway to unification of all universal forces...then you might have been correct Floo...Unfortunately you are fact it is becoming more the assertion to say that Jesus Christ isn't the Son of revealed by science.
He is.
Where? As my eldest grandson said once when he was very young, "you can't see, hear or feel Jesus, so how do you know he is there?"
If Jesus Christ didn't start this quest for righteous obedience followed by millions and to vital laws that opened the gateway to unification of all universal forces...then you might have been correct Floo...Unfortunately you are fact it is becoming more the assertion to say that Jesus Christ isn't the Son of revealed by science.
GARBAGE NM, science reveals nothing of the sort! ::)
Dear Nicholas,
As I was reading this article I immediately thought of you ( actually it made me think about a lot of what has been posted on this forum )
We have found out that in politics unlikely alliances between enemies can work, and that oddballs can make outstanding discoveries. We have learned that men can be nurturing and that women can be aggressive.
Oddball is a compliment, this world needs more oddballs.
GARBAGE NM, science reveals nothing of the sort! ::)
You perhaps haven't realised that science has spent a lot of time and resources trying to understand the things I have given to you here freely. Not because I am clever but the Holy Bible is clever and is way above today's sciences.
It gives us further predictions that we are all heading for a fall and only those who have been able to see righteous truth will have any sort of protection...I urge you and yours to reconsider your positions on this point because making ourselves companionable with our fellow man and a desire to follow Jesus Christ (accurately) an imperative.
Most of them do ippy because the things they discuss are often not understandable until they have passed a logic test inspired by the scientist him/her self.
But how you can look out at a world that is a part of a universe that is totally submerged in electric science and not realise that all the answers to the universe are electrically coated, amazes me.
So ok, I'm not the best teacher on this subject but I am the best you've got whilst you insist on blanking Jesus Christ.
My own fault NM, what I meant and should have written, as follows: Funny that, I suppose there are still some scientists that like talking to themselves whilst thinking they are having a conversation with the great invisible fairy in the sky.
BashfulAnthony, Floo, ippy, Gonnagle:
We now have a working model that states that under the authority of an all knowing God...all the the galaxies and all the stars all the atoms and all the planets came into existence via a very complex spiritual/electric route and life is a by product of that route. We haven't offended Genesis because we aren't talking about the 'special creation' of our existence, we are talking about the time when, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth...but before the Earth became void.
Because everything on Earth popped out of a star and the best contender being our very own star, which has a clearout of all excessive dross every 11 years, then all the electric laws controlling the living cell did too. So...this planet is the result of solar waste from its early vibrant days...we just have to explore how the logical patterns all come together.
Why do you continue to base everything you write here on assertions all without any kind of evidence to back them up?
Worse NM, when you're asked to supply evidence that might back up the things you write here, all you do is write another load of assertions, you can hardly complain about the copious amounts of insults you get if you carry on backing an assertion with another one.
Surly you must realise an assertion cant be used a evidence in support of a previous assertion or any other assertion? Why can't you see this NM?
You perhaps haven't realised that science has spent a lot of time and resources trying to understand the things I have given to you here freely. Not because I am clever but the Holy Bible is clever and is way above today's sciences.
It gives us further predictions that we are all heading for a fall and only those who have been able to see righteous truth will have any sort of protection...I urge you and yours to reconsider your positions on this point because making ourselves companionable with our fellow man and a desire to follow Jesus Christ (accurately) an imperative.
Oh NM you really don't get it do you? Although you are entitled to believe what you like however crazy, we don't see it your way, not to put too fine a point on it most of your assertions are less than credible (which is being polite), and certainly not promulgated by other Christians on this forum.
ippy, Floo:
Oh ippy/Floo...I think I'm beginning to understand you mean you don't like assertions like the one that the entire universe, with all its power and energy, sprung from the tiniest dot of compressed force, too tiny to be seen, but contained all the energy which we now call the universe. Hmmm. But you don't like the concept either, that all this energy existed before the big-bang and was distributed in a way that the entire book of modern science says...yes...that's feasible.
Science used to say that an invisible ether created everything...they then back-tracked but are now saying that an invisible property, 14 times greater than the mass of the universe does exist and call it dark matter/energy.
Over 4000 years ago we were told of a superabundant material of this sort that created all the stars in the heavens and whether you like it or not, I, along with every believer in Almighty God, believe this too...but the religions that believe in Jesus Christ, when they have dumped all the iniquity which prevents them from seeing righteousness, will know how important this invisible, fountain of living waters is in regenerating a healthy and everlasting body...with resurrection as a backup fail-safe precaution.
You can't blame me for making the assertion that you ippy, and Floo, could be be part of that wonderful promise...but I suppose that this will prove to be an assertion too far.
What is God’s Evolution??
When we have placed Almighty God on the highest pinnacle over all the spiritual/electric laws behind Creation and shown that Jesus Christ had a full understanding of his father’s spiritual/electric laws we can take a deeper look at these electric laws to answer questions that we can’t seem to get answers to very easily…questions such as…What is evolution??
Evolution appears to have exploded in the early days after this planet became suitable for life and then it tailed off…Why??
It seems to have moulded and fashioned all species around the environment that became its home…Why??
It branched into male and female…Why??
Except for the human race, which prefers stodge and stale food, the creatures of evolution survive by eating fresh, newly deceased, living cells, which they hunt and track and have developed specialised senses to enable capture…Why??
Well…there is only one set of answers that explain it as it is presented to us…and that is what I want to discuss here because genetic repair is the direct opposite of genetic damage and Jesus Christ knew all about this without any doubt. A key principle being that reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code reinforced by the simple fact that reaching out for Jesus Christ alters it to.
Amazing, not a hint of irony. Totally straight faced.
ippy, Floo:
Oh ippy/Floo...I think I'm beginning to understand you mean you don't like assertions like the one that the entire universe, with all its power and energy, sprung from the tiniest dot of compressed force, too tiny to be seen, but contained all the energy which we now call the universe. Hmmm. But you don't like the concept either, that all this energy existed before the big-bang and was distributed in a way that the entire book of modern science says...yes...that's feasible.
Science used to say that an invisible ether created everything...they then back-tracked but are now saying that an invisible property, 14 times greater than the mass of the universe does exist and call it dark matter/energy.
Over 4000 years ago we were told of a superabundant material of this sort that created all the stars in the heavens and whether you like it or not, I, along with every believer in Almighty God, believe this too...but the religions that believe in Jesus Christ, when they have dumped all the iniquity which prevents them from seeing righteousness, will know how important this invisible, fountain of living waters is in regenerating a healthy and everlasting body...with resurrection as a backup fail-safe precaution.
You can't blame me for making the assertion that you ippy, and Floo, could be be part of that wonderful promise...but I suppose that this will prove to be an assertion too far.
NM, you still don't get it, I don't give a shit about you making as many assertions as you like, you idiot you're still not getting it, I'll try again just as so many of us keep trying to get through to that fat head of yours.
Get the following read out to you and if they can perhaps the person reading it could explain each
part to you as you both go, together.
Why can't you get it NM?
Try to get it into your head; making an assertion about any idea isn't enough.
PS Oh and by the way fuck your idiotic, righteous, superabundant, dynamic energy you stupid man.
My assertion here would be ippy that you are looking for any excuse to be particularly nasty and a Christian is an easy target.
Part of my assessment is an assertion which states that the bullying living cell (cancer cell) behaves in exactly the same way that a bully works in the big wide world. It is all a question of chasing honest people out of their nervous strength. I saw bigger and horribler people than you chasing a factory full of women out of their nervous strength by bullying and so I am more qualified than most to say that nervous strength has a direct link with our genetic health...not to mention that Adolph Hitler had a particular flair for this type of hysterical abuse as well so forgive me if I ignore your assertions that Jesus Christ knows nothing about these horrors or that he can't scientifically assist the oppressed and down trodden or in fact that those who oppose him are not going to be very happy when push comes to shove.
Now...if you've got any ideas about cancer...let's hear them.
My assertion here would be ippy that you are looking for any excuse to be particularly nasty and a Christian is an easy target.
Part of my assessment is an assertion which states that the bullying living cell (cancer cell) behaves in exactly the same way that a bully works in the big wide world. It is all a question of chasing honest people out of their nervous strength. I saw bigger and horribler people than you chasing a factory full of women out of their nervous strength by bullying and so I am more qualified than most to say that nervous strength has a direct link with our genetic health...not to mention that Adolph Hitler had a particular flair for this type of hysterical abuse as well so forgive me if I ignore your assertions that Jesus Christ knows nothing about these horrors or that he can't scientifically assist the oppressed and down trodden or in fact that those who oppose him are not going to be very happy when push comes to shove.
Now...if you've got any ideas about cancer...let's hear them.
NM where you've said the following: "My assertion here would be ippy that you are looking for any excuse to be particularly nasty and a Christian is an easy target".
No I'm trying, without much luck, to get through that thick skull of yours, to explain to you how this or any other world would have to take a direct view of life as it really is and not how you would like to think it is.
You then went on to say: "I ignore your assertions that Jesus Christ knows nothing", I know what it is you mean, I didn't say anything of the kind about Jesus, you have completely misunderstood my post.
I'll try again try to not misread me again:
The above capital lettering above is saying much the same as my previous post was trying to get through to you, it looks like there is a time laps between you reading things before they reach your brain and even then a lot of luck is needed if there's a hope that any information might reach your addled brain and you might understand, any of it.
Look forward to reading your next misreading/misunderstanding of my post NM.
Where? As my eldest grandson said once when he was very young, "you can't see, hear or feel Jesus, so how do you know he is there?"
One has to realise there is more than an empiricist and reductionist materialist prescription and realise that Jesus is the very thing one is running away from.
My assertion here would be ippy that you are looking for any excuse to be particularly nasty and a Christian is an easy target.
Part of my assessment is an assertion which states that the bullying living cell (cancer cell) behaves in exactly the same way that a bully works in the big wide world. It is all a question of chasing honest people out of their nervous strength. I saw bigger and horribler people than you chasing a factory full of women out of their nervous strength by bullying and so I am more qualified than most to say that nervous strength has a direct link with our genetic health...not to mention that Adolph Hitler had a particular flair for this type of hysterical abuse as well so forgive me if I ignore your assertions that Jesus Christ knows nothing about these horrors or that he can't scientifically assist the oppressed and down trodden or in fact that those who oppose him are not going to be very happy when push comes to shove.
Now...if you've got any ideas about cancer...let's hear them.
NM making an assertion about cancer in this way, when you have no scientific or medical qualifications, it is not only making you look very silly, it is an insult to the poor people who have cancer, or have relatives with it! :o
One has to realise there is more than an empiricist and reductionist materialist prescription and realise that Jesus is the very thing one is running away from.
How can you run away from a person whom you believe to be long dead, as there is no evidence that they are still alive in some dimension or other?
How can you run away from a person whom you believe to be long dead, as there is no evidence that they are still alive in some dimension or other?
Religious people profess many abilities that are denied to us lesser mortals. ;)
Religious people profess many abilities that are denied to us lesser mortals. ;)
Some religious people, not all! :)
Some religious people, not all! :)
Well, in this instance, it's the ones who insist that JC still lives that I was referring to. :)
NM making an assertion about cancer in this way, when you have no scientific or medical qualifications, it is not only making you look very silly, it is an insult to the poor people who have cancer, or have relatives with it! :o
Looking silly is a price I am prepared tp pay to bring to all who are capable of hearing a bona fide science that is owned by Almighty God and taught to us by Jesus Christ which states categorically that every law in the universe revolves around God's fountain of living waters...the same stuff that my entire science is built upon.
You may not see the cancerous aspect of Hitler's behaviour or even realise that even today it is just bubbling beneath the surface of our every day lives but the net result will be exactly the same as before, unless we realise that it is a cancer...that bullying is the nature of that cancer and just as it inflicts disunity amongst all those who are unprepared for it so does the mechanics of the living cell which have no protection from the sheer nervous waste inflicted upon it.
The same mechanics are made known to us through evolution and the more caring attributes amongst our pets shows that their genetics can be tamed and made healthier than their wild progenitors by soothing and calming those wild behaviour patterns.
So...the science doesn't need medical fact such people did some terrible things during the war so I'll just follow the loving kindness of Jesus Christ...thankyou.
Looking silly is a price I am prepared tp pay to bring to all who are capable of hearing a bona fide science that is owned by Almighty God and taught to us by Jesus Christ which states categorically that every law in the universe revolves around God's fountain of living waters...the same stuff that my entire science is built upon.
You may not see the cancerous aspect of Hitler's behaviour or even realise that even today it is just bubbling beneath the surface of our every day lives but the net result will be exactly the same as before, unless we realise that it is a cancer...that bullying is the nature of that cancer and just as it inflicts disunity amongst all those who are unprepared for it so does the mechanics of the living cell which have no protection from the sheer nervous waste inflicted upon it.
The same mechanics are made known to us through evolution and the more caring attributes amongst our pets shows that their genetics can be tamed and made healthier than their wild progenitors by soothing and calming those wild behaviour patterns.
So...the science doesn't need medical fact such people did some terrible things during the war so I'll just follow the loving kindness of Jesus Christ...thankyou.
NM your assertions are all over the place, and make less and less sense as you go along. I don't want to be rude, but I am concerned that you might have some problems which might need the help of a psychotherapist!
NM your assertions are all over the place, and make less and less sense as you go along. I don't want to be rude, but I am concerned that you might have some problems which might need the help of a psychotherapist!
I don't want to appear rude either Floo...I get wonderful support from the Holy Bible...along with a few million others over quite a few generations now. ..and yet you close your mind to every caring message that the Holy Bible conveys and openly brag of your indoctrination of your own family...When you have proven my science to be incorrect...then I will back down but I've got a very strong conviction that you can't especially as I have seen the fruits of my labours first hand.
It isn't the best tactic when a deep and complex science is being explained to keep knocking it at every turn because you yourself have convinced yourself that there is no merit in Jesus so there is no merit in a science built upon his teaching but there are still millions who say you are wrong.
How can you run away from a person whom you believe to be long dead, as there is no evidence that they are still alive in some dimension or other?
You're unreasonable anger directed at Jesus and not at other religious formulations is a giveaway Floo. If you really believed above is would not act and speak the way you do.
You're unreasonable anger directed at Jesus and not at other religious formulations is a giveaway Floo. If you really believed above is would not act and speak the way you do.
It's not anger directed at Jesus, Vlad. I have no doubt that you may see it that way, but that says more about you than anyone else.
It's not anger directed at Jesus, Vlad. I have no doubt that you may see it that way, but that says more about you than anyone else.
Oh and the antitheism around here doesn't have a distinctly antichristian bias.
If we look at all the campaigns that the antitheists promote on here there is probably some support for the objective (although not the means nor the further objective) from some quarter of that leaves, er, antichristianity.
Oh and the antitheism around here doesn't have a distinctly antichristian bias.
Familiarity, Vlad (and you know what that breeds). It's the religion with which most posters here (most of the population as a whole, actually) are most familiar. Moreover a Christian denomination inexplicably remains the established state church of the largest British nation, so is the one still actively seeking a place in public life and attempting to sway legislation, etc.
To my knowledge we have one Muslim member here and three pagans (apologies if I've left anyone out) and even the pagans are from a background which gave them some familiarity with Christianity and not, for example, Buddhism.
If we look at all the campaigns that the antitheists promote on here there is probably some support for the objective (although not the means nor the further objective) from some quarter of that leaves, er, antichristianity.
Could you reword that so that it makes sense?
Familiarity, Vlad (and you know what that breeds). It's the religion with which most posters here (most of the population as a whole, actually) are most familiar.
Are you saying they never paid attention in class? Why did they not listen to what was being taught them about other cultures and religions.
You know though that my view is that the religious knowledge of many with regards to Christianity is pretty substandard.
That is because education has been dominated by Secular Humanists for decades and thus you are all indoctrinated.
Religious people profess many abilities that are denied to us lesser mortals. ;)
That ones easy Leon/Floo...It is simply a case of upbuilding a righteous spirit according to the laws of the one who showed us how its done. You see this indestructible energy...besides being the provider of evolution, genetic health, stars, atoms and galaxies is also the stuff (I really shouldn't call it stuff) well known to God and to science its just that science hasn't got round to understanding it yet.
Don't worry...I have a good grasp of it and will try to help those who can accept Jesus in a righteous way...but there is a time restriction because evil is biting at the bit to make our lives distressful.
Are you saying they never paid attention in class? Why did they not listen to what was being taught them about other cultures and religions.
Probably because they're about as interested in non-Christian religions as they are in Christianity.
You know though that my view is that the religious knowledge of many with regards to Christianity is pretty substandard.
Polls would seem to bear this out. But what of it?
That is because education has been dominated by Secular Humanists for decades and thus you are all indoctrinated.
I'm a staunch secularist though not a humanist, necessarily - certainly not with a capital H - so the "indoctrination" clearly doesn't work.
You're unreasonable anger directed at Jesus and not at other religious formulations is a giveaway Floo. If you really believed above is would not act and speak the way you do.
I am not angry at Jesus, as far as I am concerned he is long dead. I am angry at the Christians who use threats to get people to convert, which is emotional abuse!
That ones easy Leon/Floo...It is simply a case of upbuilding a righteous spirit according to the laws of the one who showed us how its done. You see this indestructible energy...besides being the provider of evolution, genetic health, stars, atoms and galaxies is also the stuff (I really shouldn't call it stuff) well known to God and to science its just that science hasn't got round to understanding it yet.
Don't worry...I have a good grasp of it and will try to help those who can accept Jesus in a righteous way...but there is a time restriction because evil is biting at the bit to make our lives distressful.
NM I don't know if you have family or friends, but if you do how do they react to your assertions where religion is concerned?
Probably because they're about as interested in non-Christian religions as they are in Christianity.
Polls would seem to bear this out. But what of it?
I'm a staunch secularist though not a humanist, necessarily - certainly not with a capital H - so the "indoctrination" clearly doesn't work.
Yes, they might not be interested in it....but you then suggest to them years after when they are infesting boards like this that they are as Numpties on what they choose to comment on, they get all offended.
You Shaker are unique....and you can take that how you like.
Yes, they might not be interested in it....but you then suggest to them years after when they are infesting boards like this that they are as Numpties on what they choose to comment on, they get all offended.
You Shaker are unique....and you can take that how you like.
And you aren't a numpty, of course? ;D ;D ;D
I am not angry at Jesus, as far as I am concerned he is long dead. I am angry at the Christians who use threats to get people to convert, which is emotional abuse!
But there lies your problem Floo...The Holy Bible tells us he was whisked off to Heaven to sit at the right hand of his father until the final trumpet blows. Now that has been 2000 years coming so there is no time threat there is there??
Even so the science he left behind which includes communication with our Deity and the power of resurrection, repair, and ultimately everlasting life has been in our midst...and...dare I say it...even evolution can't dodge its laws.
But there lies your problem Floo...The Holy Bible tells us he was whisked off to Heaven to sit at the right hand of his father until the final trumpet blows. Now that has been 2000 years coming so there is no time threat there is there??
Even so the science he left behind which includes communication with our Deity and the power of resurrection, repair, and ultimately everlasting life has been in our midst...and...dare I say it...even evolution can't dodge its laws.
How very convenient! If he really resurrected he should have stuck around so there would be no dispute about it! ::) Much of the Bible has no more credibility than the Harry Potter books, which are a better read, imo!
I note you didn't answer my question. I take it if you have family and friends they don't regard your assertions as anymore credible than those of us on this forum! Have you ever converted anyone to your way of thinking?
Much of the Bible has no more credibility than the Harry Potter books, which are a better read, imo!
Certainly more comfortable, eh, Floo?
Certainly more comfortable, eh, Floo?
Certainly more comfortable to cling to your Jesus than take seriously Allah's message for disbelievers in Islam, eh, Vlad?
How very convenient! If he really resurrected he should have stuck around so there would be no dispute about it! ::) Much of the Bible has no more credibility than the Harry Potter books, which are a better read, imo!
I note you didn't answer my question. I take it if you have family and friends they don't regard your assertions as anymore credible than those of us on this forum! Have you ever converted anyone to your way of thinking?
The first law of internet forums is never release personal information because it will often turn round and bite you on the bum...and so I will keep that for my own knowledge. What I will tell you is that the factory full of women I mentioned earlier who were being bullied into a high level of emotional distress were certainly grateful...though they never understood the mechanics at work or that it was Jesus Christ who had laid down the laws that I was working by and from which they got some relief and I got a lot of knowledge out of.
That is why I now prefer to convert heathens because it is them who are otherwise totally lost and it is them who are causing all the emotional distress in the world...according to the Holy Bible, anyway.
Certainly more comfortable to cling to your Jesus than take seriously Allah's message for disbelievers in Islam, eh, Vlad?
Work it out, Vlad. If you need more paper just ask.
The first law of internet forums is never release personal information because it will often turn round and bite you on the bum...and so I will keep that for my own knowledge. What I will tell you is that the factory full of women I mentioned earlier who were being bullied into a high level of emotional distress were certainly grateful...though they never understood the mechanics at work or that it was Jesus Christ who had laid down the laws that I was working by and from which they got some relief and I got a lot of knowledge out of.
That is why I now prefer to convert heathens because it is them who are otherwise totally lost and it is them who are causing all the emotional distress in the world...according to the Holy Bible, anyway.
Well have you converted any heathens?
Well have you converted any heathens?
Not many...they seem to have an eternal death wish...but that's is more a question of the fact they have been given the opportunity and rejected it. But the science will be the clincher because even modern science with all its evil overtones cannot escape from the simple fact that the universe makes more sense when they incorporate two conflicting dimensions into their equations and that those who want to embrace future science will have to embrace the accurate, righteous teaching of Jesus Christ into their lives too.
Evolution will also be a clincher because reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code as proven by the many species so ideally suited to their own environments which cannot possibly take the thousands of years indicated by evolutionists because the climate or other influences would have changed before they were ready.
The reason why science will quickly come into line is because they need to know how they can conquer space enabling them to dart around at incredible speeds doing incredible manoeuvres and this two dimensional thing is the only scientific answer. But when they come I will refer them to you.
Not many...they seem to have an eternal death wish...but that's is more a question of the fact they have been given the opportunity and rejected it. But the science will be the clincher because even modern science with all its evil overtones cannot escape from the simple fact that the universe makes more sense when they incorporate two conflicting dimensions into their equations and that those who want to embrace future science will have to embrace the accurate, righteous teaching of Jesus Christ into their lives too.
Evolution will also be a clincher because reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code as proven by the many species so ideally suited to their own environments which cannot possibly take the thousands of years indicated by evolutionists because the climate or other influences would have changed before they were ready.
The reason why science will quickly come into line is because they need to know how they can conquer space enabling them to dart around at incredible speeds doing incredible manoeuvres and this two dimensional thing is the only scientific answer. But when they come I will refer them to you.
Have you converted any heathens at all? Somehow I doubt it as your assertions don't make sense to most of us. I think someone would have to be very gullible indeed to fall under your 'spell'.
Have you converted any heathens at all? Somehow I doubt it as your assertions don't make sense to most of us. I think someone would have to be very gullible indeed to fall under your 'spell'.
I have made you my first target Floo. I know we are a long way off at the moment but there is a lot more in my toolbox. Things that astounded me and will astound you too...but I reserve the right to explore it fully before I announce its wonderful, scientific the meantime I will just stretch my Christian insight and annoy those who show contempt for what is without question the most wonderful teaching ever made known on this planet.
Not many...they seem to have an eternal death wish...but that's is more a question of the fact they have been given the opportunity and rejected it. But the science will be the clincher because even modern science with all its evil overtones cannot escape from the simple fact that the universe makes more sense when they incorporate two conflicting dimensions into their equations and that those who want to embrace future science will have to embrace the accurate, righteous teaching of Jesus Christ into their lives too.
Evolution will also be a clincher because reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code as proven by the many species so ideally suited to their own environments which cannot possibly take the thousands of years indicated by evolutionists because the climate or other influences would have changed before they were ready.
The reason why science will quickly come into line is because they need to know how they can conquer space enabling them to dart around at incredible speeds doing incredible manoeuvres and this two dimensional thing is the only scientific answer. But when they come I will refer them to you.
Hi there NM, It wouldn't be a bad idea if you along with a couple of friends, looked up assertion in a good dictionary and spent some considerable time going over it, about what it actually means, because you obviously haven't been able to read and understand this word on your own, you really don't understand the word, you have absolutely no idea of what 'assertion' means.
Wouldn't this god thing you keep going on about be disappointed if he, she or it thought you weren't using the brain, you think it gave you, to it's fullest extent, wouldn't you be letting he, she or it down, by you not understanding your own language?
Come back on to this thread when you might have worked it out and might be able to give a comprehensible answer, only at the moment all of your answers are amounting to little more than gibberish.
Don't forget that I know that you really believe these god/Jesus things really exist and remember that believing they really exist is very different from knowing they exist.
I have made you my first target Floo. I know we are a long way off at the moment but there is a lot more in my toolbox.
A crank and some nuts, certainly.
Evolution then is a by-product of the living cell clashing with forces that aren’t yet known to science but which gives an additional strength to the replicating process. Only an unscientific mind could declare that the two magnetic forces that display themselves within the living cell replicating process can interact with each other and not create an electric charge that can be utilised for the benefit of the living cell and the organism that owns that cell.
Well it does and every action and behaviour pattern requires the burning of that electric energy and this is the life force that talks to our genetics and seeks answers to the problems experienced within their environments. You see, the generating force that generates this power doesn't die…it passes along the food chain and this is why it is so desperately sought after. That is when it isn’t being passed along the reproductive processes…but we had better slow down here cus it’s a lot to take in. Sufice it to say that if a creature or human is generating say, 1000 milliamps of this electric force daily but are burning 2000 milliamps a day there will be a huge deficit.
I have made you my first target Floo. I know we are a long way off at the moment but there is a lot more in my toolbox. Things that astounded me and will astound you too...but I reserve the right to explore it fully before I announce its wonderful, scientific the meantime I will just stretch my Christian insight and annoy those who show contempt for what is without question the most wonderful teaching ever made known on this planet.
Should I be flattered? ;D I wouldn't hold your breath where converting me is concerned!
A crank and some nuts, certainly.
Should I be flattered? ;D I wouldn't hold your breath where converting me is concerned!
Especially in your Nike God avoiders.
Especially in your Nike God avoiders.
Evolution then is a by-product of the living cell clashing with forces that aren’t yet known to science but which gives an additional strength to the replicating process. Only an unscientific mind could declare that the two magnetic forces that display themselves within the living cell replicating process can interact with each other and not create an electric charge that can be utilised for the benefit of the living cell and the organism that owns that cell.
Well it does and every action and behaviour pattern requires the burning of that electric energy and this is the life force that talks to our genetics and seeks answers to the problems experienced kwithin their environments. You see, the generating force that generates this power doesn't die…it passes along the food chain and this is why it is so desperately sought after. That is when it isn’t being passed along the reproductive processes…but we had better slow down here cus it’s a lot to take in. Sufice it to say that if a creature or human is generating say, 1000 milliamps of this electric force daily but are burning 2000 milliamps a day there will be a huge deficit.
NM none of this makes any sense, what are you on about?
What is God’s Evolution??
When we have placed Almighty God on the highest pinnacle over all the spiritual/electric laws behind Creation and shown that Jesus Christ had a full understanding of his father’s spiritual/electric laws we can take a deeper look at these electric laws to answer questions that we can’t seem to get answers to very easily…questions such as…What is evolution??
Evolution appears to have exploded in the early days after this planet became suitable for life and then it tailed off…Why??
It seems to have moulded and fashioned all species around the environment that became its home…Why??
It branched into male and female…Why??
Except for the human race, which prefers stodge and stale food, the creatures of evolution survive by eating fresh, newly deceased, living cells, which they hunt and track and have developed specialised senses to enable capture…Why??
Well…there is only one set of answers that explain it as it is presented to us…and that is what I want to discuss here because genetic repair is the direct opposite of genetic damage and Jesus Christ knew all about this without any doubt. A key principle being that reaching out for various needs alters the genetic code reinforced by the simple fact that reaching out for Jesus Christ alters it to.
It's not "tailed off" and you have forgotten about creatures that eat carrion, that's not fresh meat......
To all your why questions, I'd answer survival. The ones that didn't make it, disappeared.
Those why things/questions, favoured survival. Including male and female.
Life expanded to fill all the evolutionary niches.
Some things ate vegetation, some things ate the things eating the vegetation, and others used rotting matter to survive.
If life could get a toe hold, it did.
Evolution is still ongoing, but most times it is very slow.
Dear Floo,
Especially in your Nike God avoiders.
Can be purchased at any BHS branch. ;)
It's not "tailed off" and you have forgotten about creatures that eat carrion, that's not fresh meat......
To all your why questions, I'd answer survival. The ones that didn't make it, disappeared.
Those why things/questions, favoured survival. Including male and female.
Life expanded to fill all the evolutionary niches.
Some things ate vegetation, some things ate the things eating the vegetation, and others used rotting matter to survive.
If life could get a toe hold, it did.
Evolution is still ongoing, but most times it is very slow.
Succint and correct, Rose! Chemo/physical reactions go their own way, and will continue to do so, despite our best efforts to interfere. NM's airy-fairy talk deceives nobody but himself.
Evolution as has been said is a very slow process. I wonder what humans will be like in a million years time if they haven't died out, and another species of animal hasn't taken over as the BIG CHEESE?
Floo, Rose, Leon, Gonnagle:
See what happens when some ignore the Holy Bible...they have the greatest science in their midst offering the cure of every desease known to man all summed up in the phrase 'everlasting life' but prefer to take the option of wars, distress, death and oppression as their best wonder Almighty God and Jesus despair with us.
Dear Nicholas,
Haud the bus old friend ;) I don't ignore the Holy Bible, I might have a different take on what you famously call "accurate teaching" but I most definitely don't ignore.
In fact, our Leonard is forever spouting verse from the Bible, I think he is one of those cultural Christian types, a kind of Dawkin's but much nicer.
I couldn't help but notice this writing of yours
no wonder Almighty God and Jesus despair with us.
Could you tell me exactly how you acquired this information, how do you know and what evidence do you have that would verify the source was definitely this god and Jesus figures of yours.
If you then say the proof is in the bible, where is the proof that would establish that the bible does in fact contain the words of this god and Jesus figures, no one has produced any proof yet, although yes we all know lots of people believe it.
Dear Nicholas,
Haud the bus old friend ;) I don't ignore the Holy Bible, I might have a different take on what you famously call "accurate teaching" but I most definitely don't ignore.
In fact, our Leonard is forever spouting verse from the Bible, I think he is one of those cultural Christian types, a kind of Dawkin's but much nicer.
The only reason you don't like RD Gonners, is because he is telling you like it is and you know he's making sense.
Floo, Rose, Leon, Gonnagle:
See what happens when some ignore the Holy Bible...they have the greatest science in their midst offering the cure of every desease known to man all summed up in the phrase 'everlasting life' but prefer to take the option of wars, distress, death and oppression as their best wonder Almighty God and Jesus despair with us.
Forgive my bluntness, Nick, but you talk a lot of old toffee!
You have swallowed without question the daft stories in the Bible, notwithstanding the fact that no evidence exists to back them up. Everlasting life is a good carrot to trap the gullible, but many of us are more perceptive.
You seem to be a nice bloke, but you are a sitting duck for religious fables. :)
Dear ippy,
There are many reasons which may give me cause to dislike the man, but telling me "like it is" is not one of them.
Forgive my bluntness, Nick, but you talk a lot of old toffee!
You have swallowed without question the daft stories in the Bible, notwithstanding the fact that no evidence exists to back them up. Everlasting life is a good carrot to trap the gullible, but many of us are more perceptive.
You seem to be a nice bloke, but you are a sitting duck for religious fables. :)
I agree.
I don't rate everlasting life!
Dear Nicholas,
Haud the bus old friend ;) I don't ignore the Holy Bible, I might have a different take on what you famously call "accurate teaching" but I most definitely don't ignore.
In fact, our Leonard is forever spouting verse from the Bible, I think he is one of those cultural Christian types, a kind of Dawkin's but much nicer.
Forgive me Gonnagle...I included you in the conversation because you had entered the discussion but I was careful to separate some from all...specially for you.
What I am trying to show is that evolution has an electric component which though is invisible and not in your face is the most important driving force behind it. Just as Jesus and Almighty God are currently invisible, not in your face, but are the driving force behind the universe...through their invisible, not in your face, dare I say it...fountain of living waters.
I agree.
I don't rate everlasting life!
That's ok Floo...I can assure you that no one is going to force it upon you.
What you must realise...and would if you were reading the Gospels is that we all have an indestructible, spiritual nature but because of our failings (sin) we finish up with a fragmented, worthless version of the one we can claim with a little righteous upbuilding. One is capable of resurrection the other is only fit for eternal damnation...the choice is yours, but if you choose wisely you will be taking evolution by the horns and driving it into submission...saying to it, I am more responsible than the genetic turmoil that you (evolution) have led us all to.
That's ok Floo...I can assure you that no one is going to force it upon you.
What you must realise...and would if you were reading the Gospels is that we all have an indestructible, spiritual nature but because of our failings (sin) we finish up with a fragmented, worthless version of the one we can claim with a little righteous upbuilding. One is capable of resurrection the other is only fit for eternal damnation...the choice is yours, but if you choose wisely you will be taking evolution by the horns and driving it into submission...saying to it, I am more responsible than the genetic turmoil that you (evolution) have led us all to.
When I read the gospels I read what is written I don't use my imagination as you do! ::)
When I read the gospels I read what is written I don't use my imagination as you do! ::)
If you read it with any reasonable intent Floo...even if you have never seen the things I say you would make a harmonious connection between the two. You cannot claim to be some sort of expert on Christian teaching whilst throwing hand grenades at its believers...many of whom have had to face much worse circumstances than the ones you hold a Christian grudge over.
If you read it with any reasonable intent Floo...even if you have never seen the things I say you would make a harmonious connection between the two. You cannot claim to be some sort of expert on Christian teaching whilst throwing hand grenades at its believers...many of whom have had to face much worse circumstances than the ones you hold a Christian grudge over.
NM I will challenge your wild imagination because to be frank you come up with some very crazy stuff which you have made up!
NM I will challenge your wild imagination because to be frank the come up with some very crazy stuff which you have made up!
Well say the Holy Bible is made up so we (the Holy Bible and me) have common ground to work from. Now I say the Holy Bible is a book of spiritual knowledge that gives us the starting point to an all spiritual science which begins with the creation of the universe and ends with teaching us how to live for ever and it is all a question of showing proper respect for Jesus Christ who took his responsibilities so seriously that he died so that others could live...but in doing so he showed us the power of resurrection...and...lo and behold...we now find that there is an indestructible, invisible energy permeating throughout the universe and you are clever enough to know, at a glance, its got nothing locked in its sciences which can help the human race in the way Jesus said God's great power can...hmmm...excuse me if I don't like your logic either.
Evolution began then because trillions of atomic sized magnetic (Higgs) forces spewed out of the sun and came to planet Earth. It is likely that they were piggy-backed by hydrogen atoms which are their nearest relative and which were being made in superabundance at the stars surface...when the, now, eleven year cycle of its day kicked out a load of solar mass that didn't sit well within a fast-breeding hydrogen furnace. they are on planet Earth following all the chemistry that their hydrogen counterparts were following but with the potential to pair up together and begin life...and begin life they certainly did. the beginning there were trillions upon trillions of them and they were able to conjure up huge masses of each species according to their struggles, all bringing in the chemistry and atomic advantage that their various environments offered.
Like the human race today they soon began to live life to the max and waste their Higgs but this just spread them around more thinly so that the power of evolution quickly become a struggle and a hunt for the Higgs living cell force that had been so foolishly wasted.
Well say the Holy Bible is made up so we (the Holy Bible and me) have common ground to work from. Now I say the Holy Bible is a book of spiritual knowledge that gives us the starting point to an all spiritual science which begins with the creation of the universe and ends with teaching us how to live for ever and it is all a question of showing proper respect for Jesus Christ who took his responsibilities so seriously that he died so that others could live...but in doing so he showed us the power of resurrection...and...lo and behold...we now find that there is an indestructible, invisible energy permeating throughout the universe and you are clever enough to know, at a glance, its got nothing locked in its sciences which can help the human race in the way Jesus said God's great power can...hmmm...excuse me if I don't like your logic either.
Give us all a rest from the supersonic, bionic, dynamic, electrical components, can't you see even if you were to stand back for a minute; have a real look at the preposterous stuff you keep on posting?
You're not a martyr to any cause with this nonsense; it's like most of the posters here, not just me; it's a load of crazy ramblings Nick, it's time to change tack.
Well say the Holy Bible is made up so we (the Holy Bible and me) have common ground to work from. Now I say the Holy Bible is a book of spiritual knowledge that gives us the starting point to an all spiritual science which begins with the creation of the universe and ends with teaching us how to live for ever and it is all a question of showing proper respect for Jesus Christ who took his responsibilities so seriously that he died so that others could live...but in doing so he showed us the power of resurrection...and...lo and behold...we now find that there is an indestructible, invisible energy permeating throughout the universe and you are clever enough to know, at a glance, its got nothing locked in its sciences which can help the human race in the way Jesus said God's great power can...hmmm...excuse me if I don't like your logic either.
NM the more you post the more way out your statements are. As has been said before you aren't convincing anyone when you try to link science with the Bible, it just doesn't work!
NM the more you post the more way out your statements are. As has been said before you aren't convincing anyone when you try to link with the Bible, it just doesn't work!
It makes good sense to me Floo and its potential to help mankind is startling...but like you is in partnership with the much higher science that Jesus Christ taught us and therefore only available to those who submit to his loving and wonderful teaching...accurately.
It makes good sense to me Floo and its potential to help mankind is startling...but like you is in partnership with the much higher science that Jesus Christ taught us and therefore only available to those who submit to his loving and wonderful teaching...accurately.
It might make sense to you, but not to the rest of us.
It might make sense to you, but not to the rest of us.
If it was easy to understand and just rolled off the scientific wouldn't need a saviour...and that saviour wouldn't have to travel thousands of light-years to deliver it to you. Fortunately, I have, it seems...broken its code, but have only tickled its surface...but it all revolves around an invisible property which appears over and over again in Biblical teaching...God's almighty power...that is behind the existence of the universe as it stands today and all its sciences in this world...a world, which, if one of today's news headlines is correct...will be engulfed in world war within 48 hours.
Of course we suspect this is newspaper hype but, it seems, we all prefer hype to reality...except of course the Christian.
Give us all a rest from the supersonic, bionic, dynamic, electrical components, can't you see even if you were to stand back for a minute, have a real look at the preposterous stuff you keep on posting?
You're not a martyr to any cause with this nonsense; it's like most of the posters here, not just me, it's a load of crazy ramblings Nick, it's time to change tack.
For an atheist on here to say that is deeply ironic!!
Dear Nicholas,
will be engulfed in world war within 48 hours.
Daily Record, what a truly woeful newspaper, only consolation is that most of its readers turn immediately to the back page to find out how their football team is doing.
Dear Nicholas,
Daily Record, what a truly woeful newspaper, only consolation is that most of its readers turn immediately to the back page to find out how their football team is doing.
Oh dear Gonnagle...even more hype on the back page.
Dear ippy,
There are many reasons which may give me cause to dislike the man, but telling me "like it is" is not one of them.
Gonners where you say, as follows:
"There are many reasons which may give me cause to dislike the man, but telling me "like it is" is not one of them".
I can understand that, I have similar feelings about Victoria Wood, I cannot stand the woman and I assume in a similar manner that's how you are with "Our Lord of the Dawkins" and really, I have to be honest, I'm unable to give a rational reason why I dislike her so much.
Dear ippy,
The meme that is Dawkins ( not the Dawkins meme ) all the hype that surrounds him, his failure to engage, seeing him thought of as a great intellect, the way he attacks religion.
To be honest ippy, my confirmation bias is in overdrive when the man is mentioned ::) ::)
Atheism is benign, but atheists, well they are as human as me. :o
Dear ippy,
The meme that is Dawkins ( not the Dawkins meme ) all the hype that surrounds him, his failure to engage, seeing him thought of as a great intellect, the way he attacks religion.
To be honest ippy, my confirmation bias is in overdrive when the man is mentioned ::) ::)
Atheism is benign, but atheists, well they are as human as me. :o
Dear ippy,
The meme that is Dawkins ( not the Dawkins meme ) all the hype that surrounds him, his failure to engage, seeing him thought of as a great intellect, the way he attacks religion.
To be honest ippy, my confirmation bias is in overdrive when the man is mentioned ::) ::)
Atheism is benign, but atheists, well they are as human as me. :o
All this talk of Dawkins, just when I'm about to get my tea! >:(
Dear ippy,
The meme that is Dawkins ( not the Dawkins meme ) all the hype that surrounds him, his failure to engage, seeing him thought of as a great intellect, the way he attacks religion.
To be honest ippy, my confirmation bias is in overdrive when the man is mentioned ::) ::)
Atheism is benign, but atheists, well they are as human as me. :o
I doubt he would get a job anytime in our ambassadorial service, but he does point out most if not all of the parts of religions where they are a hindrance, an outright bum pain and of course he's not welcome in the world of most religions or their adherents.
After 9-11 if it wasn't him it would have been someone else just as vociferous.
It's not anger directed at Jesus, Vlad. I have no doubt that you may see it that way, but that says more about you than anyone else.
Even though you refer to Him as, "the zombie on a stick."
Even though you refer to Him as, "the zombie on a stick."
Whoever created the T-shirt I saw it on referred thusly.
And that's not anger, either.
All this talk of Dawkins, just when I'm about to get my tea! >:(
What is it BA, you don't appreciate him spelling it out why Mr Pie in the sky only resides in your imagination and he is also very good at backing the things he says; I can see that would be inclined to irritate.
Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, they're both very good at their job.
What is it BA, you don't appreciate him spelling it out why Mr Pie in the sky only resides in your imagination and he is also very good at backing the things he says; I can see that would be inclined to irritate.
Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, they're both very good at their job.
"Job," what job? I think you rather overstate their influence. Most of what they say is for effect; but chiefly for money, from gullible and obsessed individuals such as yourself.
Whoever created the T-shirt I saw it on referred thusly.
And that's not anger, either.
It is irrelevant where you allege it comes from: you have espoused it, and it is cheap, nasty; and to many, highly offensive: which is why it appeals to you, of course.
Offence is taken, not given.
Offence is taken, not given.
Oh, really? Then what is the point of disseminating such garbage?
Oh, really? Then what is the point of disseminating such garbage?
It might help to render the absurdly pompous, prudish and professionally faux-offended less so.
It might help to render the absurdly pompous, prudish and professionally faux-offended less so.
No it won't, and you know it. It is done purely to offend any Christian who sees it, from the basest to the most worthy, regardless. That is your intention, and it is all one would expect from such a vicious and vitriolic person.
No it won't, and you know it. It is done purely to offend any Christian who sees it, from the basest to the most worthy, regardless. That is your intention, and it is all one would expect from such a vicious and vitriolic person.
This is excellent, extending the Bashful Uriah character across the threads - 'ever so 'umble', good sir
This is excellent, extending the Bashful Uriah character across the threads - 'ever so 'umble', good sir
Give up now, before you make yourself look even more absurd!
It's not NS who's looking absurd here, Bashers.
Give up now, before you make yourself look even more absurd!
Ah poor, poor Uriah
It's not NS who's looking absurd here, Bashers.
I am off to get some dinner, I'll leave Bashful Uriah to his 'umble pie.
Ah poor, poor Uriah
Not nearly as poor as old NS though. The forum's foremost over-the-top merchant.
"Job," what job? I think you rather overstate their influence. Most of what they say is for effect; but chiefly for money, from gullible and obsessed individuals such as yourself.
They've got a lot of religionists wound up including you, so they are doing a good job there, B A.
They've got a lot of religionists wound up including you, so they are doing a good job there, B A.
I'm not wound up, Ippy. Haven't you cottoned yet: I spend my time here mostly winding them up, and pretty successfully. Poor NS thinks he's got one over on me tonight, but the poor old you-know-what, has got his characters mixed up. Uriah Heep was obsequious and 'umble: I'm neither, as you might have noticed! :)
They've got a lot of religionists wound up including you, so they are doing a good job there, B A.
I'm not wound up, Ippy. Haven't you cottoned yet: I spend my time here mostly winding them up, and pretty successfully. Poor NS thinks he's got one over on me tonightt, but the poor old you-know-what, has got his characters mixed up. Uriah Heep was obsequious and 'umble: I'm neither, as you might have noticed! :)
I can appreciate everybody needs a certain amount of ego or we wouldn't have the nerve/confidence to go out of our front doors.
I can appreciate everybody needs a certain amount of ego or we wouldn't have the nerve/confidence to go out of our front doors.
Some of the guys on here don't go out the front door; they have such egos, they go right through it! :)
I'm not wound up, Ippy. Haven't you cottoned yet: I spend my time here mostly winding them up, and pretty successfully. Poor NS thinks he's got one over on me tonightt, but the poor old you-know-what, has got his characters mixed up. Uriah Heep was obsequious and 'umble: I'm neither, as you might have noticed! :)
Obviously the great thing about BU here is that misdirection of claiming stuff that is incorrect about UH but living up to it superbly
Obviously the great thing about BU here is that misdirection of claiming stuff that is incorrect about UH but living up to it superbly...
Look up Uriah Heep, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about: then I never had you down as having any kind of literary knowledge. I've been called every kind of thing, mostly arrogant and pugnacious; so it makes a change to be called the opposite. It does, of course, mean you can't all be right. In fact, none of you are: no surprise there! I'm not sure to whom I can compare you: it all depends whether you've just got back from the pub! ;)
Obviously the great thing about BU here is that misdirection of claiming stuff that is incorrect about UH but living up to it superbly
Look up Uriah Heep, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about: then I never had you down as having any kind of literary knowledge. I've been called every kind of thing, mostly arrogant and pugnacious; so it makes a change to be called the opposite. It does, of course, mean you can't all be right. In fact, none of you are: no surprise there! I'm not sure to whom I can compare you: it all depends whether you've just got back from the pub! ;)
Uriah, he try talk. Quote hard, Bashful Uriah sad
Uriah, he try talk...
Go and sleep it off, old fella! :(
Go and sleep it off, old fella!
to paraphrase Dennis Healey on Howe, your attacks are like being savaged by a dead Heep of Uriah
to paraphrase Dennis Healey on Howe, your attacks are like being savaged by a dead Heep of Uriah
He's lovely really. Has no enemies, despite his abusive nature. Mind you, his friends despise him! Poor old fella!
He's lovely really. Has no enemies, despite his abusive nature. Mind you, his friends despise him! Poor old fella!
Poor Bashful Uriah
I've been called every kind of thing, mostly arrogant and pugnacious;
Don't forget prudish and hypocritical!
so it makes a change to be called the opposite.
Actually, no - don't forget that the whole point of Heep's character, the very thing that makes him so creepy and pathetic, is that his "humility", in being so frequently and forcefully expressed, is not only nothing of the kind but becomes the polar opposite. It's like people who make a point of often saying how modest they are - the very act of doing so negates the impression sought. It's called a performative contradiction.
Fon't forget prudish and hypocritical!Actually, no - don't forget that the whole point of Heep's character, the very thing that makes him so creepy and pathetic, is that his "humility", in being so frequently and forcefully expressed, is not only nothing of the kind but becomes the polar opposite. It's like people who make a point of often saying how modest they are - the very act of doing so negates the impression sought. It's called a performative contradiction.
Unlike you Shaker, I have no faults, except perhaps my modesty.
By the way: what's a "fon't"? :D
Poor Bashful Uriah
It's only the atheists who are poor, old fella, mainly because they all seem to be, well, thick. :(
Unlike you Shaker, I have no faults, except perhaps my modesty.
By the way: what's a "fon't"? :D
It's a minor typing error used by you to avoid having to try to deal with the substance of a post, thus revealing your intellectual shortcomings.
It's only the atheists who are poor, old fella, mainly because they all seem to be, well, thick. :(
lazy Uriah makes lazy generalisation, diddums, poor lazy Uriah.
lazy Uriah makes lazy generalisation, diddums, poor lazy Uriah.
I see the effects haven't worn off yet. :D :D
I'm off to bed now, where I'll just lie in a "heep." ;)
It's a minor typing error used by you to avoid having to try to deal with the substance of a post, thus revealing your intellectual shortcomings.
Substance? Your posts? They are almost always comprised of denunciation of some kind against somebody or something.
Substance? Your posts? They are almost always comprised of denunciation of some kind against somebody or something.
Even if that were actually true, it would do nothing to change the fact you do just about anything and dwell on anything to avoid/evade dealing with what people write.
Shaker, Bashful Anthony, Nearly Sane,
Trying to bring the topic back on track I have reached the part were I want to discuss how male and female were genetically formed. My understanding is really quite clever, even if I say so myself...but let's get the ball rolling by you telling me how you see it.