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Christian Topic / Re: Tony Campolo dead
« Last post by Walt Zingmatilder on November 21, 2024, 09:50:23 AM »
He was that rare thing, an American evangelical on the political left. Years ago, I read his book "20 hot potatoes Christians are afraid to touch". I wrote to him complimenting him on it, and got a very friendly reply.
I remember Tony Campolo from my Greenbelt days. It was the time also of Ron Sider and Rich Christians in an age of hunger I recall.
Sports, Hobbies & Interests / Re: A new word game....
« Last post by Nearly Sane on November 21, 2024, 09:46:52 AM »
Puzzle #529

Nope. Not a chance. Follow the spoiler link to understand green.
Since Aruntraveller is having a well earned holiday just now, seems OK to note that my hmmm was in part generated by the only reason the whole set seemed to be generated for was to have Boba and Fett as choices
Politics & Current Affairs / Re: Trans rights: a perspective
« Last post by Christine on November 21, 2024, 09:46:47 AM »
On April 15th I put in a FOI request for my ex-employer's policies on gender identity. The first reply contained this:

"Your request is asking for all guidance, procedures, and policies available to staff relating to
diversity, inclusion, and equality. Given the vast number of policies, guidance, and
procedures available to staff and that diversity and inclusion are at the heart of many of the
policies and procedures, to fulfil this request the agency would have to manually inspect
every appropriate policy, procedure, or guidance file, thus exceeding the cost limit outlined in
the FOIA. There are nine directorates within the agency, with several teams within each
directorate. Each of these teams have their own policies, procedures, and guidance as well
as the agency wide policy, procedures, and guidance.
If you were to make a new request for a narrower category of information, we may be able to
comply with the renewed request within the appropriate limit, however, we cannot guarantee..."

It's concerning that HR don't know what procedures they've got where (must be a nightmare for staff looking for guidance) and that it would take more than 3 working days to find and collate it. Anyway, eventually (3 modified requests later, on August 20th) they sent me their guidance/policy on gender, attached.

You may, of course, disagree with my opinion that this is a waste of public money.
Christian Topic / Re: The Church of Englad.Time for a moderator?
« Last post by Nearly Sane on November 21, 2024, 09:43:44 AM »
Not the root of all evil, but demonstrably a net negative in the world....

Demonstrate thar it is, taking into account that the traits that give rise to it would have to be removed from humanity for it to be shown.
Christian Topic / Re: Searching for GOD...
« Last post by jeremyp on November 21, 2024, 09:36:10 AM »
You keep mentioning you think it's an important difference without ever explaining why you think it's important.

You're comparing a Bible story with a real event? Bible stories, like many religious stories are brief illustrations to make a religious point rather than historically accurate descriptions to be taken literally. Why not pick a real world event to illustrate your point about faith claims.

Are you suggesting with your Netanyahu example and the support he has from Western governments that Israel and its allies don't consider morality or values to be important in their decision to bomb civilians? It is just an academic exercise in recording metrics on how much bombing will allow a country to make an area so uninhabitable that it can ensure there is no resistance to illegal military occupation? Why is that demonstrating the superiority of making decisions based on metrics rather than religion?

The Israelis (supported by their foreign allies) have been bombing, killing and abducting tens of thousands of Palestinians for decades and it hasn't worked in ending resistance to Israel's illegal military occupation. They blockaded Gaza since 2007 turning it into the largest "open air prison" and it didn't work. All that happened was that other countries supporting Israel became targets for terrorism. So why are they ignoring metrics and continuing to do what hasn't worked in the past?

The US bombed and killed thousands of civilians during its War on Terror - it didn't work in ending the Taliban.

Sanctions on Iraq and mass bombing of civilian infrastructure killed tens of thousands of Iraqis - ok the US got some oil revenue out of it and US taxpayers spent trillions killing people so it worked in terms of making some private US companies very rich.

The US also bombed and killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese - it didn't work in ending Vietcong resistance.

The metrics you might want to look at is how much money are weapons manufacturers earning and how long  Netanyahu can delay his criminal trial by prolonging and extending the war -  to avoid facing up to corruption charges and prison.

Netanyahu’s defense team requested the delay because it said the prime minister has been unable to prepare for giving testimony, set to begin on December 2, due to the time pressures of managing the current, multi-front conflict.

I still don't get the "important" difference you are trying to highlight. What is the important difference between religious claims and people seemingly ignoring metrics and making decisions based on wishful thinking and their human psychotic urge to kill lots of people?

That's a gross distortion of the Palestinian situation. For one thing, Israel can't turn Gaza into an "open air prison" by itself. Gaza has a border with Egypt and a coastline.

Anyway, that's all off topic for this thread, so I'll say no more.
Politics & Current Affairs / Re: John Prescott dead
« Last post by jeremyp on November 21, 2024, 09:29:05 AM »
I found out about this by reading a BBC story about him punching a punter. I think that is likely to be what he is most remembered for, sadly.
Christian Topic / Re: The Church of Englad.Time for a moderator?
« Last post by jeremyp on November 21, 2024, 09:20:49 AM »
I'd have thought the first thing to do would be to disentangle the CofE from the affairs of state politics and get them out of the HofL.
That's nothing to do with the problems that currently exist in the CofE.

Then they can sort out their own internal affairs with proper accountability without the rest of us being bothered,  unless there are legal cases that like other cases are of public interest.
I don't see anything stopping them from doing that now, in practice.
Christian Topic / Re: The Church of Englad.Time for a moderator?
« Last post by jeremyp on November 21, 2024, 09:19:19 AM »
The duration of tenure prevents accumulation of power in an individual, Power is spread and the period of tenure should be short enough to weed out those whose chief ambition is power.  It reduced the power and extent of the patron, again weeding out the ambitious.That is a universal problem for anyone in a role but a moderator would not have as much scope to mess up as an A oCIt wouldn't just be a name change( see Role of the moderator of the Church of Scotland). I think CEOCOE is a bit of a crude analogy but I can certainly see how Welby's tenure might have given that impression

But you introduce a new problem in that, with a new leader each year, there is no long term vision. A fixed term Arch bishop might be a good idea, but I would go with five years.
Sports, Hobbies & Interests / Re: Strands - another new word game.
« Last post by jeremyp on November 21, 2024, 09:17:00 AM »
Strands #263
“You're getting warm”
Christian Topic / Re: The Church of Englad.Time for a moderator?
« Last post by Outrider on November 21, 2024, 09:07:49 AM »
Well, for me it was talk of wanting religion out of the public forum and behind closed doors...

Seems fair enough, we want policy based upon demonstrable facts, not supernatural suspicions.

and religion being the root of all evil

Not the root of all evil, but demonstrably a net negative in the world.

and even religious moderates pose a danger.

They don't pose a direct danger, but they validate the nonsense that's used by religious fanatics to justify their atrocities.

OK If you don't mind that Enland still has a C of E established or not

I object - it's up there with having a hereditary head of state as something with a lack of an moral justification, but it's lower on the list of priorities than, say, sorting out education or the health and care services.

the Anglican community in England is still stuck with itself being by way of ties that are more familial than geographical.

The problem is that, as an establshed church, even if they want to leave they're still stuck with them, we all are.

if there is religion in the country should that not be acknowledged at the political level and should an attitude of secularise to get rid of the evil of religion, prevail?

Banning it is counterproductive, it just feeds the martyr complex that's baked into, particularly, the Abrahamic religions. Better to just hold the structures to account when needed, and then ignore them when they're casting their spells, and with time they'll just drift further and further into irrelevance. We don't need to 'get rid' of them, they'll just wither away on their own.

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