....and he is a well known scientist.
He is not infallible.
You and some others have had a problem with that.
The only problem is that he was wrong. He made a mistake, which is perfectly understandable in a live phone-in like that; or perhaps he deliberately glossed over the point to avoid getting too technical or telling the questioner they didn't understand basic physics. I don't know.
What I do know, from my own formal education, from several textbooks and from other sources, is that he was technically incorrect.
There is even a quote (from Mark Eichenlaub) on the page in the OP that makes the same point.
This didn't start out as a disagreement - I was just trying point out a fairly common misunderstanding about matter and energy.
You could find out for yourself, if you do some research and concentrate on textbooks and education sites (avoiding pop science and press).
It's up to you - cling to your misunderstanding or get better informed....