Yes! Because the Gods and Goddesses in my pantheon are subject to all the foibles amd shortcomings of the humans that they are deities to. They show pride, anger, lust, narcissism et cetera - unlike your God, which was the point of my comment , who takes credit for everything good and denies all responsibilty fior anything bad; blaming all those things on his "perfect" creation - man.
How are you using the term 'pantheon' it is described as a name belonging to all gods. Funnily enough it is applied to the best preserved ancient temple in Rome. Erected by Hadrian, A.D.120-4, it occupied the site of a previous temple built by Agrippa in 27 B.C, concecrated 609. It is now the Church of Santa Maria Rotonda.
Pantheism Metaphysical doctrine which identifies the universe with God. The term "all-God," introduced by John Toland, 1705 denotes a system of thought, or attitude of mind traceable in ancient India, in certain of the Greek philosophers and in such more modern philosophers as Spinoza, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel. A form of Monism, it is a theism or an atheism according to the emphasis placed upon personality.
Seems you have a lot to choose from...