Paul wasn't.
Mot only did he have his 'thorn in the flesh', but he was losing his sight with advancing years - probably cataract or macular degeneration.
Paul wasn't what? Do you even know what Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' was? Maybe I missed his sight being lost with advancing years where in the NT is that? He goes blind when Christ calls him and then we know the scales fall away when he has began to see spiritually that which he could not see before.
If a kingdom divides it falls. If you do not know the truth why prevent others from knowing it by attacking it?
The bible shows that God healed all who came to Jesus and that Jesus said those who believe in him will do even greater things than he has done. The bible tells us the things he did in those three years would be too much to fit into all the books of the world at that time.
You need to open your eyes to God and his truth. Even Naaman leader of the Syrian Army came to Gods Prophet and God healed him. Understanding and obedience to the truth given to us by God.
The bible is first and foremost the WORD of God. It teaches us about Gods promises and his plans for mankind.
The OT is the ONLY WORD of God which Christ, the Prophets and Apostles refer to.
We need to be in the WORD to know the truth.