Author Topic: Ahmadiyya Muslims  (Read 6610 times)


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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2016, 01:42:48 PM »
Anyone who does not believe we have imported Pakistani sub culture religious hatred into this country should read the article in the OP in full

I've skimmed through it, I despise the lot of em

The Accountant, OBE, KC

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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2016, 02:32:24 PM »
Anyone who does not believe we have imported Pakistani sub culture religious hatred into this country should read the article in the OP in full
Yes - do you think it's about as irritating as all the British weapons imported into foreign countries that help fuel sectarian violence? What kind of morals must a nation have to export weapons that can kill hundreds and thousands?

I think our defence industries and therefore the British economy have a vested interest in the continuation of sectarian violence abroad. If some of that violence trickles back to here, maybe, like immigration, we could look at it as just part of the cost of generating profits to help the British economy, or as Walter likes to say, "a cross we have to bear". 
I identify as a Sword because I have abstract social constructs e.g. honour and patriotism. My preferred pronouns are "kill/ maim/ dismember"

Quite handy with weapons - available for hire to defeat money laundering crooks around the world.

“Forget safety. Live where you fear to live.” Rumi


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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #27 on: November 01, 2016, 04:20:48 PM »
Well said!!!!!!
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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2016, 07:11:09 PM »
British arms exports are certainly a worthy subject for discussionand you may be surprised how much we will agree on the subject
Perhaps the mods can move it to the appropriate part of the forum.

In the meantime, in Pakistan, Ahmadiyya can face summary execution while the police stand around and let it happen, and those doing the murdering can easily walk free and may even get a pat on the back or be looked up to for commiting murder.

What about the article. The author writes....

Speaking from his office in Islamabad, Ali Dayan Hasan, the former Pakistan director of Human Rights Watch, is succinct about general attitudes to Ahmadis: “It is shocking how much hate there is in the UK.” He refers in particular to literature distributed by Khatme Nubuwatt, an organisation that in Pakistan calls for the ‘elimination’ of the Ahmadi, but also has branches in the UK

and that...

Since 1974, the Ahmadi population in Pakistan has fallen from several million to 400,000. “Even five years ago I remember saying [to authorities in Britain], ‘You have to do something about this.

So I will repeat, anyone who does not believe we have imported Pakistani sub culture religious hatred into this country should read the article in the OP in full.

How can something so perfect be so flawed.


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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2016, 09:10:31 AM »
It seems to me that khatm e nubuwwat are walking a fine line.

The leaflets that were distributed had their name and address on them, but they deny any responsibility.

IMO no group should be allowed to call for the death of someone or of a minority group and be allowed to operate within the uk.

It's disconcerting that they can describe the shop keeper as a kind man and that it was a lone plot by a nutter to kill him while belonging to an organisation that really does appear to be calling for the death of Ahdmanis.

ATM there are no plans to ban them, but I find their name appearing on the leaflets disturbing and I think it needs further investigation to find those responsible for them.


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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2016, 09:24:01 AM »

The powers that be, seem intent on ignoring it.

If I distributed hate literature like that across London aimed at Muslims or Jehovah's Witnesses I'd be carted off so fast my feet wouldn't touch the ground.

People are entitled to think someone's interpretation of a religion is wrong and say so, in no uncertain terms, but calling for Capitol punishments is a step to far, IMO.

I'd say that an organisation has some responsibility to correct those who use its name to generate hatred, so I think this organisation has responsibitly to make sure people don't abuse it's name.

It also looks like the original leaflet was obtained by one of its links.

If it was up to me, they would have to ensure no such leaflets talking about capital punishment found there way onto British streets, or they would be out.


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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2016, 09:33:02 AM »
You know Rose - you really are a lovely person, X

I'm afraid there's verses allowing this kind of mindless murdering in the Quran.
A slight 'look to the side' of these parts & ALL sorts of things are 'available'.

Of course, one may say this about most 'dodgy' religions too
Other religions are available !?!?!?



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Re: Ahmadiyya Muslims
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2016, 02:58:26 PM »
It's really horrible and, like Rose, I would not allow such leaflets to be distributed here if I had any authority.

You said/asked: Of course, one may say this about most 'dodgy' religions too
Other religions are available !?!?!?

No comment from me  :D!   Just dive into some of the threads on the Christian and R&E topics for the answer.

I agree with you, Trippy, that Rose is lovely.  She exudes common sense and calm.  What is more her posts are always so clear. 

I am going to take a leaf out of Rose's book and space my posts out more, it makes such a difference to the reader.


Spaced out Lyn.
Let us profit by what every day and hour teaches us