Unsubstantiated assertions. What we do know is that people were worshiping pagan gods and the seasons well before Christians appeared.
Wrong, the pagan hijacked the Easter/Jewish celebration much later wanted to associate them to the real God.
Didn't work then and certainly won't work now.
People did (and some people still do) worship them.
If they worshipped them where are their temples... They don't have any unless of course you are admitting it is all pagan beliefs and no
temples exist just your beliefs you took from books written about what they supposedly represented.
The bible shows those practices under Baal which were many gods all pagan and included the worship of the male elements of nature including animals. We all know animals just animals and creation not gods.
Another assertion and one that is just as easily levelled at the Christian god as pagan gods because there is no evidence to prove the existence of either. However at least the pagan gods that are associated with the seasons are embedded in truths we do have evidence for, in other words the annual passage of the seasons.
In your dreams the God of the Jew and Christian has been active since time and memorial. You are so far back in the closet of denial you are in Narnia. God still healing and present with his people. The truth is pagans know their beliefs unfounded in any real power source.
I think many people do in a way. While I fully accept that very few people actually worship Eostre, I think that millions celebrate the return of spring and see Easter as inextricably linked with this. Indeed you only have to look at the heaving garden centres, the hum of lawn-mowers making their first outings of the year, the enjoyment of the blossom etc etc to recognise just how powerful marking the seasons is - certainly much more long-lasting and universally understandable than the convoluted and unevidenced assertions of a man dying and coming back to life.
Now you are being ridiculous. I cannot believe you are writing these things. I am more convinced now than ever, that people are pagan because they are desperate for any belief which they know will never require proof because everyone knows it does not exist in the first instance so will never ask.
Try as you might Christians have filed to stamp out the earlier understanding of the seasonal significance of both Easter and Christmas - and actually their significance in the season context grows as their Christian religious significance dwindles.
Pagans have to hijack beliefs from the true religion because they have nothing of their own that actually gives any real comfort.
No one challenges your beliefs because no one accepts they have any substance to them.