really don’t know. If I were in charge of managing these contracts, the remuneration would not be structured in such a way that it is beneficial to not treat patients. There would also be standards with respect to making it easy to contact the health provider and penalties for failing to meet the standards.
I was, until I retired, involved in some of this in a small way. Where I worked in PHysio/OT/Dietetics various contracts come up for renewal.
We tender as per the spec provided and our costs lately have always come in higher than Virgin/Circle/etc. We lose the contracts. The choice is made by the commissioners at CCG level. As a Trust the hospital holds little sway as the CCG's are being squeezed by central government. Our tenders are based on the knowledge that goes back years over how complex some patients needs are. This is not factored in by private healthcare and very often they will tender on the basis of one new appt then 2 follow ups. Then you are done. Clearly ridiculous for a lot of conditions. This then leads to the situation where we lose income and therefore staff who end up working for Virgin doing a job that they know is not the standard it should be. Furthermore it is not unknown for the hospital to have to pick up more complex cases when patients who have seen Virgin etc, end up as Inpatients and we then end up doing the work anyway.
That there are clearly inadequate checks built into the system is annoying and frustrating but it is the way of things - defund, demoralise, privatise.