Author Topic: The gilets jaunes and their imitators  (Read 380 times)

Nearly Sane

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The gilets jaunes and their imitators
« on: December 18, 2018, 04:00:48 PM »
Last week I had a couple of invites on Facebook to join groups, one which seemed to be the original gilet jaunes group, and one for a group of 'Yellow Vests in Scotland'. One of the posts in the  'Yellow Vests in Scotland' group was of a pro Brexit protest of Yellow Vests in London where they blockaded an ambulance in an emergency. There was much challenge from people but the admin's take was that it posted it as information not support. At the same time in Hungary, there is a protest movement that seems allied with some of the ideas but is in direct opposition to the 'right wing' in the London protest. In addition there was a 'gialli maglie'? protest against anti immigrant laws. I doubt there is any coherence beyond this isn't working currently, and no matter how it's advanced it will be both gone and irrelevant in some months because it will filled with the People's Front of Yellow Vests, and The Republican Yellow Vests etc etc.