"no one has ever died from want of sex"
a quote from the article. I think it is one of a few assertions made that are not backed up by evidence or strong argument. The reporter is pretty transparently biased, which is a shame as this is a complex and interesting case. Its also a shame that it involves a person who apparently has dangerous sexual interests as it skews the perception of the central question.
I don't think anone has the 'right' to sex, as it is not a solo activity. It encroaches on the personhood of another individual... or more than one if you're into that sort of thing. And those bloody InCel idiots are just so creepy. On the other hand a lack of intimacy is known to be a cause of low self esteem, depression and, therefore, a contributing factor in suicide... isn't it? If we recognise an individual's mental state as something to be taken seriously, then that must also include sexual desire. Whether or not the majority of disabled persons seeking help to have sex are male is immaterial, unless we are saying that male sexuality should not be taken seriously?
There is no easy answer to this. I feel very uncomfortable about a carer acting on behalf of client to procure paid sex. But it doesn't seem right to me to deal with the question in dismissive or olbique terms. If we accept it is ok for a independently functional adult to pay for sex, why is it ethically wrong to ahve an agent act on behlaf of a third party? I dunno... I can't be arsed to think about it any more. I only came here to distract myself from a very tedious planning meeting.