Even if the whole population of the planet believed in a deity, it doesn't mean it exists unless there is verifiable evidence to support its existence!
Sort of. It likely exists or not regardless of our knowledge of the fact. We can only have any confidence in the claim based on the available evidence.
For instance: America existed before the European nations were aware of it, but without evidence there was no reason for anyone in Europe to claim that it was there.
A deity could exist, that is possible, if improbable, just like I could have fairies at the bottom of my garden. Without actual evidence to support the existence of a deity or fairies, the default position must be scepticism, imo.
Absolutely, couldn't agree more. However, if you go around saying something that is effectively 'we have no evidence, therefore god doesn't exist' you fall into a trap whereby someone puts on you the onus for proving your claim.
If, on the other hand, you maintain that second position you used, that in the absence of evidence you have no reason to accept THEIR proposition, you put the onus back on them to prove the initial claim.