After I was sentenced and while I was waiting to be hanged I'd wait for my future me to come back to the now me in the past and take the now me out of the past and into the future where the now me would get a (non-sentient) re-production android me.
Then the now me and the future me would take the android me into the past so the android me would be hanged instead. Then the future me would take the now me back to now and then the future me would go back to the future.
Piece of piss when you think about it...
Sorry? Who went where to the now me , what?
Actually a nice piece of tricky plotting. However, the simple answer is that you can prove your claim by taking someone from the past, where you are at at the present moment, with you, to their future (depending on how the time machine worked, its capacity etc.) and then they can confirm your claim when you both return. However, to avoid any possible hick-ups when you return to the past you simply kill your passenger when you get to your present time and so not bothering to return to the past.