No...hardware and software are inter-dependent but independent entities. Software is not generated spontaneously in the hardware by the hardware. It is made independently by a user and made to work on a hardware platform. And it thereby influences the hardware to work in specific ways.
Similarly, the mind is an independent entity that uses the brain as a platform. It creates pathways and neural connections in the brain based on specific requirements.
Software is dependant on hardware, without hardware it doesn't exist, in a meaningful way..
Microsoft word is of absolutely no use if you don't own a computer or something to run it on. It's just a useless disk that can't do anything, a series of impressions on a disk.
If you compare the brain to the computer and the mind with software then software doesn't exist without the computer.
When someone gets some brain digenerative disease, the mind starts to fail, until the person is gone.
It is the brain that writes the software, an imbalalence of chemicals in the brain can cause it to write software that is faulty ie known as a psychosis.
If the mind was independant of the brain, it wouldn't happen like that.
I like the idea of the mind existing after death but if you use the brain/mind hardware/software scenario I think it more favours the reliance of the mind on the physical brain.