It didn't look bleeding obvious to you in the original post. You seemed to be lumping all genetic engineering together.
As Hope pointed out, we've been doing genetic engineering for centuries - millennia even - it's why we can do a better job of feeding the seven billion people on Earth now than we could the few hundred thousand people ten thousand years ago.
It was recently read out on the news bout the latest form of DNA engineering there was some more about it today where they are making alterations to the order of DNA commands by cutting and shunting directly the chains of the double helix, just a few minutes ago they made another reference to China's efforts in this area and they, so they were saying, they pay scant respect or attention to the ethics involved.
I assumed the rest of the people on the forum listen to the news too, looks like I got that bit wrong, the replies were something similar to, if you want to drive a car first you open the door and then sit down in the front on the side where there is a big circular thing called a steering wheel in front of you etc etc, this might not be the best example but that's how those posts sounded to me, minus the car references and add the reference to DNA.
I just was asking the question, as I thought, without having to write something as lengthy as a thesis can be.