On what grounds are you asserting that I'm proposing magic? My hypothesis on the topic of conscious/self etc. didn't contradict, negate or oppose your three conditions! [rant]
Because when I pointed out that "will must come about from some combination of deterministic and (possibly) random processes", you responded by saying: ""Must"? On what grounds do you make this assertion?"
Now, you seem to have changed your mind again....
Though what you say is right* EPs provide a type of, but restricted or limited, modification or different path to your 'three' conditions. But whether you can apply EPs the way you want to, to account for consciousness et al, is another question.
I don't want to apply EPs in any way at all - I have no theory of consciousness. It appears to be something that the brain does somehow and research is ongoing - I will watch with interest.
It is you who are saying that it needs "something" apart from the brain, so it's up to you to provide the argument and justification.
And linked to this would be a clear definition of what materialism is, which I've asked for before but didn't receive one. [rant]
Again, it is you who wants to introduce "something else". Something else apart from what? I've been assuming the brain but it's your
dogma argument, so you need to define what you mean.
Personally, I dislike the word "materialism" - it tends to be used by the religious and superstitious in order to say something "non-material" (whatever that means) exists. I'm happy to accept as real anything we can find objective evidence or sound arguments for.
You really do need to grasp the fact that I am not putting forward a theory of consciousness. You are trying to tell people that there needs to be this "something else" of which you speak -
the job of defining and justifying that is all yours.
* There is nothing purely random only things we can't fathom or comprehend into an ordered system which we then label as random due to our ignorance or limited capacities.
It's an open question. There certainly is pseudo-randomness as you describe but there may be real randomness too; as described by quantum mechanics. Whether either of these has a significant role in consciousness is yet another question.