King Oberon (love your name, tempted to change mine to Queen Titania but afraid people would talk), I've trod on cat tails more often than I care to remember and, apart from a howl, the experience has never alienated my cats from me. They are quite devoted, two more than the other two. One of the other two prefers my husband, also likes sitting on the car in front of the house and flirting with passers by, and the other one seems to like both of us equally and is quite vocal.
My big Thomas who is gorgeous and loves me in a very laid-back blokeish way is extremely protective of the pretty little cat next door, Pixie, whom my neighbours got as a kitten last year. She is small and will never be a big cat, very lively and inquisitive. Just this morning my neighbour was saying how, if he's in the garden with her and an unknown cat or very big bird (we have crows occasionally and have been known to have a goose dropping down for some refreshment), he sees them off. The two of them, Pixie and Thomas, play together and even 'knock' for eachother to go out to play. It's quite charming.
When I have been particularly ill over the past few years, the sensitivity shown to me by two cats in particularl is really touching.
I've also been 'told' things by them from time to time, followed them and been shown something that I didn't know about or had forgotten and I was quite gratified. However they are not service animals and cannot be trained so.
(edited for a couple of careless spellings/grammar)