I don't know if Anchorman is a Scot like yourself, NS, but wonder if guising was more popular in Scotland than England because I never came across it here.
Guy Fawkes night is probably celebrated here more than Scotland because the Houses of Parliament are in London.
Halloween was also low key compared to now, no trick or treating, but some people had parties (often combining both) if their birthdays were around that time. There was apple bobbing and that sort of thing.
The only problem I have with fireworks, apart from potential danger if people aren't careful, is how they scare pets. Most of us will keep them indoors (they are still scared, my cats used to cuddle up and shudder), but cats often go out early and don't come back for hours. They really are quite terrified. Still, fireworks are very pretty and we get a lot of them at this time of year, Deepvali onwards.