Taking another look, it doesn't really make points of it's own and just points to various pieces without critical analysis.
My thoughts are that, if we were able to have a "sane society" we would have achieved it by now. The fact of the matter is that life goes on and it is human nature that deals with it as flashes past. It is not possible to work everything out and then implement some perfect system.
We would all be extinct by the time a "sane" constitution had been established. Maybe after a few wars we would have something workable day to day - as has already been done a number of times.
Engineering and technology are not going to stand still and wait for all the ins and outs, pros and cons, to be worked out. Science is always provisional, and results will be used by anyone who finds they seem to work for their purposes.
Incremental improvements are possible but usually involve a great deal of tedious work that is often out date by the time it is implemented. Mostly this involves being able to discuss stuff, in detail, openly, without acrimony, lobbying and escalation of existing disagreements - something people seem unwilling to bother with.
I'd say, forget sane society, just seek out what you need for your own sanity.