In our family my younger daughter (who is 30 this year) was the piercing and tattoo enthusiast, although as she eventually matured the piercings were discarded. She got two piercings when she was about 18-20: the belly button and the tongue, and when she had the latter done her mother almost disowned her. For a while the thingy she had in her tongue included a wee flashing light - so that when she talked there were these flashes of blue light, which was plain weird - especially disconcerting if it was dark! As I say, these are long gone now.
At around the same time she got some tattoos. She had her name tattooed on her wrist, no doubt in case she forgot (only 4 letters though so not hard to remember I'd have thought) and on the small of her back she has cogito ergo sum, which I told her was quite ironic in these circumstances, and a treble clef at the top of her back just below her neck which can't be seen since she has long hair always worn down, which she did long before getting the tattoo.
I've always fancied getting a small and tasteful but mostly hidden tattoo: perhaps my favourite guitar (Fender Telecaster) on my upper arm where it would be underneath my shirt-sleeves: it is impossible, alas, for I am an abject coward.