As an aside, and I stand to be corrected, the PISA assessment, which apparently allows countries to compare their secondary education systems has much in common with the old 11-Plus: it is mechanistic, trainable and rewards performance rather than creativity.
The PISA assessment doesn't reward anything. It's designed to find out what the educational standards in the country are. The only effect is if the worse performing countries are shamed into improving their educational systems.
rewards performance rather than creativity.
I read that as saying it rewards getting the right answers rather than getting imaginative but wrong answers.
As for the 11+, whilst I think it is a good idea to assess children's abilities frequently, the 11+ was a terrible thing, in my opinion. If you passed, you got into grammar school, if you failed you went to a secondary modern and never the twain shall meet. Your whole future life is determined by one day when you are eleven.