It is a thorny issue this one of alcohol, although it is not restricted to that one substance.
I have very mixed feelings on it. As I posted earlier intoxication to a certain level has provided some very good times. I don't even know where to begin a story about a Warsaw gay club and an Italian, an American and a Polish man and me. And before the sniggerers at the back of the classroom start it wasn't that sort of encounter. However it finished with us watching the sun come up whilst sat in Lazienki Park drinking vodka and smelling roses.
How much music was/is written under the influence of drugs of various kinds. Literature, the arts in general do use drugs as a tool to further creativity, are they right to do so because it might be bad for them?
But, I am conflicted. On another post I wrote about the stresses alcohol consumption places on society, in particular on the NHS. I don't know what the answer is - but I do know that banning it isn't the answer.