It is not just about incredulity or pseudoscience or 'woo' as you call it. It is simply about knowing that there is a difference between a live brain (and body) and a dead one.
This computer on which I'm typing is a wonderful tool to communicate with the world and do many other tasks. Yet when I switch it off, it's just an inert lump of metal and plastic. It's all physics and electrons specifically. There's no magic computer-soul that departs when I remove the power.
Why does a human brain have to be different?
Life cannot be just a random process. It has to be induced externally into the electricity.
I don't know anybody who claims life is random. It certainly does require an energy source, which is why it goes away if you stop eating and/or breathing for too long.
Finding out what it is requires incredulity and doubt. If we are cocksure about something to the exclusion of all other is dysfunctional and prevents progress.
There's nobody on this board more cocksure about what life is to the exclusion of all possibilities than you.