Author Topic: Something out of place here.  (Read 12314 times)


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Re: Something out of place here.
« Reply #200 on: August 05, 2021, 08:36:50 AM »
Well quite often people are aghast when I suggest they are antitheist and antireligionist and antichristian preferring instead to be just atheist tec despite regularly attacking religion and theists.

That's quite a bit to unpack, there... you can find problems with the various formal and informal institutions of religion whilst not intrinsically thinking that all religious observation should be banned or prohibited. I, personally, don't think the world would be worse off if religion just faded away, but I'm not in favour of actively suppressing it; at the same time, I can see any number of instances where it currently has entrenched advantages that can't be justified.

They obviously see some distinction which allows them to say what they say and not identify with the phobia and -isms involved.

On the contrary, I think describing at least some of the motivation as deriving from fear of the potential for harm that religion has is fully justified. What prevents it being 'theophobia' is the fact that phobias are unwarranted fears, and religion has a well-established track-record. And there is already an '-ism' for wanting to lever religion and religious institutions away from the positions of power and authority they retain from historical times - secularism.

I think someone who is just following scripture to the letter in the case of holy matrimony is far, far, far less likely to be motivated by homophobia than a person showing Dawkinsian disrespect for religious people is motivated by antitheism and antireligionism.

Except that, as we've established, the scripture itself is homophobic - by following it to the letter the are implementing that homophobia. Why is religion entitled to 'respect' from atheists but gay people aren't from churches?

And also these antitheists, driven red eyed, by antitheism are the people who also fit the profile of word piracy and totalitarian linguistic revolution to meet their nefarious ends.

Let's try to think of an institution that tried to implement laws regarding what language information could be conveyed in.... hmm....

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints