E-mail address to contact Admin direct is admin@religionethics followed by .co.uk.
By the time I was half-way through, I was thinking "who fkn cares?" - and the government wnat to inflict this shite on all kids till they're 18!https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zqgb9ty?at_mid=9FEtve4L6q&at_campaign=Triangle_Maths_Challenge&at_medium=display_ad&at_campaign_type=owned&at_link_origin=promo_box&at_audience_id=TV&at_product=bitesize&at_ptr_name=bbc&at_ptr_type=media&at_format=image&at_objective=consumption&at_link_title=Triangle_Maths_Challenge&at_bbc_team=BBC
It remains to be seen what will be put on the proposed post-16 'core' maths curriculum, but the maths teachers and Head-Teachers that I know are of the opinion that it needs to include how tax works (ratios, percentages, compound interest), basic statistics (conventions for bar charts and the like) and probability.O.B
Seems like a good idea to me. Everybody needs to know some statistics.
Just not the ones that are damned lies.
Statistics done correctly is not lies. The problem is that it is easy to do them wrong or misrepresent them. It's also easy to spot the wrongness but only if you ave a base understanding of statistics.
I suspect they would learn enough to lie with them rather than "do" them correctly.