I found it interesting as well. I also found this about a week ago, which gives some further explanation as to where she's coming from with her ideas.
Although I have reservations on her ideas about free will to some extent, what I liked about it was her attitude to the whole business of accepting that we are basically our brains, an attitude which I found most refreshing and quite re-assuring. If she is basically correct, and certainly science seems to point in that direction, then Alan's 'soul' idea becomes a non starter.
I think though that her approach is based on that assumption, and it's not something that can be shown as correct. The soul idea is as far as I can see non demonstrable, and non falsifiable.
I think that doesn't take away from the validity of her approach as being revealing. And I am a little surprised she gets the push back she does. It doesn't seem to me to be scientism.