My medicines can get out of date too.
The trouble is some of them can become stronger or weaker or not have the desired affect after the sell by date has passed.
I think some of the reason they get so old is because you are not supposed to bin medicines but take them to the chemist for disposal. I rarely remember.
In fact sometimes I'm lazy and put them in the bin
You are meant to take them to a chemists for disposal.
After my op I had awful trouble trying to dispose of used needles ( had to inject myself, something to do with blood clots) neither the chemist nor the hospital would take them in because each insisted it was the others responsibility.
I wouldn't throw those in the bin.
In the end I got a bit narked and the chemist agreed to dispose of them.
I think that's why drug addicts leave the flippin things lying around.
I kept taking the things back and forth trying to dispose of them in a responsible fashion.