I'm pleased to see you, too, Roses. I have enjoyed your inputs (though not necessarily agreed with them) since the BBC days ... long ago.
Anyway ...
I am gazing out on sun-soaked France at the freshness of a new day. My eardrums, however, are being assaulted by the constant sound of a very large aircraft which has been circulating at a low level (perhaps 10,000 feet) for over half an hour. With my neighbours, I have determined that it is an Airbus Beluga - which is used to transport wing components from north Wales to the assembly line at Toulouse (which is about 100 km SE).
So why is it behaving like this? My guess is that it has taken off from Blagnac and has developed a fault and is having to burn off fuel before being able to return.
While I have been typing the noise has gone ... I hope that it lands safely.