Just something that came from the thoughts from another thread, what do Christians think God is made from; what constitutes the form of God?
"What constitutes the form of God?" is better put than "What is God made from?" as the latter implies he was made. So, "What constitutes the form of God?"
If you respond with spirit then how did God manipulate the matter that forms the universe and our world? - as it clearly says in Genesis that he moulded the clay to create Adam.
God is spirit, though how you define that exactly, I don't know.
Whether it is correct or not, I have always found it useful, at least conceptually, to think of God as being in another (extra) dimension. For simplicity's sake let's call that the 4th dimension.
TW will like this. If we imagine a 2 dimensional world, i.e. stuff moving within what mathematicians call a "plane", then a 3 dimensional object can interact with those 2 dimensional object. For example, if we imagine a couple of 2 dimensional people moving around in this plane, we can stop them from seeing each other or touching each other by just drawing a line between them, e.g. completely around person #1. However, a 3 dimensional person is totally at liberty to step over that line and is thus not constrained in the same way as the 2 dimensional people.
The 3 dimensional person could actually draw that line, i.e. interact with those 2 dimensional people. If that is similar to how it is with God and us, then God would have no problem manipulating/interacting with/ doing stuff in our world.