From Alan's post 170:
The real freedom we have is to choose between what is right and what is wrong. Even though we are given a conscience to know the difference, we still have the capability to choose to do something which we know to be wrong, and our conscience can make us feel guilty for doing it. And when we choose to do something which we know to be right, we can get a feeling of elation.
Am I to assume then that if a person acts according to their conscience(as you put it) then they are making a 'right' decision?
I ask because it should be obvious to you that many people can have conflicting ideas and hence make conflicting decisions on moral subjects.
For instance, I strongly support the 'Right to Die' movement. I have no guilt feelings attached to my position on this at all. Others strongly disagree with the 'Right to Die' movement. Presumably they feel their position is right, too.
So, whose conscience decides what is right and what is wrong?