Your approach forbids Feser from using what we observe to build the case So yet again you've ended up with what is lionised in Tegmark is a vice in Feser.
Untrue in every respect.
Once again you've totally misrepresented what I've said and completely ignored my actual arguments. I don't know why I'm bothering but here it is again...
I can live with Feser's convoluted and unnecessary stuff about tables, cups, and coffee, which is just a longwinded way of saying that something exists and is (apparently) following some (mathematical) laws of nature.
We don't know what it is, why it exists, or why it behaves as it does but, presumably, there must be a reason. That is the mystery he then takes on. From this moment on, we are into speculation, which is not a bad thing per se, and some of what he says about this 'end of hierarchy' is fair enough.
It's when he tries to attribute the characteristics of thoughts, intelligence, perfection, omnipotence, and omniscience to it that it becomes hopelessly contrived. One can see that it is flawed from the fact that logically, his 'arguments' for these attributes could be applied, with equal (in)validity, directly to the laws of nature themselves and, quite clearly, a set of abstract laws do not have those attributes in any normal sense of the words.
Those characteristics (if we were to accept them) pretty much define this 'end of hierarchy' as a mind - and if we then add the other attributes of the Christian god that he doesn't mention (morally good, able to plan, sit in judgement, offer forgiveness, be incarnated as a man, and so on), we are
clearly dealing with a mind. This is a
direct contradiction of one of his starting points, where he argues that even a lone, disembodied mind needs the hierarchy, that this god is supposed to be the end of.
Those are my objections to Feser - none of which apply to Tegmark's speculation, that the mathematical laws are all that there is and that all mathematical systems exist (a sort of Platonism).
I'm not trying to argue that Tegmark is right - just that he addresses the same mystery without the hopelessly contrived and obviously wrong attributes and without the contradiction.
That's it. I'll clarify if you don't understand anything and ask questions but I'm not going to go on repeating it just because you ignore it or misrepresent it.