It seems to me that this word choice is an important little word here. I suggest that we have the ability to choose from the range of choices which are open to us in any given situation. It is how we choose which is at the nub of the problem. Torri, Stanger and others quite logically suggest that our choice is predicated on our nature, nurture and past experience basically, so that whatever choice we make is one that we must make at any given time. In other words, there are reasons for our choice, whether they be conscious, unconscious or any combination of the two. Alan, on the other hand, suggests that some sort of supernatural entity, which he calls a 'soul', is responsible for the actual act of choosing, but which not bound by our nature, nurture and past experience. He fails, however, to give any explanation on how this 'soul' then actually decides on its choice, leading to the inevitable conclusion that it decides randomly.
As I have said before, there is no evidence that a 'soul' exists. Furthermore I can see no reason why a 'soul' should exist. Hence, I find Alan's viewpoint rather illogical and rather pointless. I'll go where the logic and evidence leads.