The brain is a word which describes a material entity comprising a collection of sub atomic particles. The same sub atomic particles you would find in a lump of rock or other material entities, such as a man made computer - neither of which possess the attribute of conscious self awareness.
Yes and rocks can't do computations, or be liquids at room temperature, or shine like the sun, or grow like plants, or react like animals. You really haven't thought about this at all, have you?
Self awareness requires the ability of a single entity to consciously perceive information contained in millions of brain cells (not just react to it). To presume that this single entity can be defined by certain patterns of sub atomic particles is a presumption which can't be proven. So to say no soul required is an unprovable presumption.
Unprovable perhaps, but it is based on the evidence we have, whereas your notion of the soul has no supporting evidence whatsoever, and is logically contradictory and hence impossible.
So, unprovable but in accordance with all the evidence vers. supported by no evidence and impossible anyway - that's a tough one....
Physical systems can only do what is definable by physical reactions. So ultimately physical systems can only react according to pre defined rules. Reaction is not control.
Do stop trying to make words mean something that they don't - it's tantamount to lying.
The word control has a perfectly good
definition and it doesn't involve self-contradictory nonsense about logically impossible deterministic, non-deterministic, non-random actions of imaginary entities.