Speaking of miracles...here is a little story, of sorts....
Three people were playing golf...Jesus, Moses and a huge old man with a white beard.
Jesus hit the ball first. It fell into a lake. Using his miraculous powers, Jesus walked on the waters and hit the ball again. It fell near the hole but missed it by a whisker.
Then Moses hit the ball. The ball again fell into the lake. Using his miraculous powers, Moses parted the waters and hit the ball again. It again fell very near the hole but missed it by a whisker.
Finally, the huge old man with the white beard hit the ball. The ball once again fell into the lake. A frog mistook the ball for food, caught it in its mouth and jumped onto the land. An eagle seeing the frog, swept down, grabbed the frog in its talons and flew away over the green. As it flew, the ball got dislodged from the frog's mouth and fell...straight into the hole!
God does not perform miracles. The world moves to his will!!
Nice one, isn't it?!

I know...I know...many of you will have many things to snigger about. But it sort of explains the idea of Life being miraculous. That's the point!