There is a huge gap between the perceived neural activity and the personal perception of a conscious thought.
No there isn’t. “Personal perception” is just that –
personal and
perception. It has no explanatory value because it’s just an emotional response to a complex underlying process.
The concept of how this neural activity becomes thought is way beyond our current scientific knowledge.
“Way beyond” is just your personal opinion on the matter. No one says that the explanations science offer are complete, but they do seem at least to be some significant way toward a cogent theory. Just saying “there are gaps” and dropping magic solutions into them about which you have no information of any kind is very bad thinking.
All we have is some form of correlation between a detectable electro chemical activity in the brain and our consciously perceived of thought.
All science relies on correlation. We cannot be sure that our ability to understand necessarily describes reality so we rely on correlative evidence to provide models and theories to do the job for us. This is basic stuff.
We can't presume that the neural activity alone comprises all that is needed to generate a conscious thought unless we can define what comprises the end result - the perceived thought.
That’s a
non sequitur, but in any case we can presume that for the same reason that we can presume that physical processes are all that’s necessary for gravity to operate. We can leave the door open to the possibility of other options, but absent any means to take them from the possible to the probable (one of the various problems you always run away from) rational people at least have no choice but to proceed on the basis of that presumption.
The main problem in all this is trying to define what the entity of perception is and how it generates thoughts and perceives sensory data.
No it isn’t. All the evidence we have tells us that “the entity of perception” is us – single, integrated, self-aware organisms. How it works is to a significant degree understood already, but the gaps in the current state of knowledge are what make people who actually work in the field get up in the morning: to find out more. Superstitious evangelists with very bad thought processes and faith beliefs that are some 300 years out of date and about which they have no information whatever offer nothing to that enterprise.