As always, your own logical assessment of reality breaks down with your concluding paragraph - where you show undeniable evidence of your own freedom to guide your own thoughts in your deliberate attempts to falsify the logic behind this freedom. And you reinforce this error by accusing me of deliberately refusing to look at things from your materialistic viewpoint. A personally driven deliberation which is not possible in a physically predetermined scenario.
First, I just took the time to explain to you in very simple terms why your assertions about prayer are logically false. I also said that you just ignore the falsifications you're given, so will never see where "your" logic fails. Why then have you yet again just ignored this falsification as I said you would?
Second, as you know well because it's been explained to you some 37,856,241 times already, your schtick about "undeniable freedom" is utter, pant-wetting, buttock-clenching, mind numbing, complete bollocks. Just pretending that it hasn't been falsified countless times so you can eructate it like a speak your weight machine stuck on repeat is profoundly dishonest behaviour. I know that you think telling lies for Jesus is well and good, but those of us more capable of thinking than you find it disgraceful.