Nope: Vlad's descent into the 'Courtier's Reply' was due to him naively claiming that his critics were not taking into account a "mountain of information on the Christian view of God", and I pointed out to him that this "mountain" is just window-dressing (or as I prefer theobabble) that is little more that wordy restatements of the usual range of failed fallacious arguments for 'God'.
I think you need educating on the origin of the courtiers reply.
When challenged on his lack of knowledge in religious matters Dawkins replied that he didn't need to have studied Leprechology to know that Leprechauns were bunk. He thus resorted to campaigning atheisms central argument. Argument ad ridiculum.
Myers then defended Dawkins by coming up with the Courtiers reply. Myers critics then applied the newly forged 'fallacy' to situations where Campaigning atheists wouldn't like it e.g. the promotion of creationism.
Of course it's a ruse to avoid ANY criticism and to allow the Lord and Master to say what he likes.
Here's the rub though if you are unfamiliar with the arguments how can you say what they are?
We know that initially celebrity atheists didn't get and many still don't get arguments from contingency.
So there you go. Dawkins made popular a mode for dismissing expertise which eventually led to Brexit! Only joking...…..or am I?