But only as reasonable a working hypothesis as the universe is contingent…
Of course not. “The universe is contingent because its components are contingent” rests four square on the fallacy of composition.
“Consciousness appears to be a material phenomenon” on the other hand does not rest on that (or on any other) fallacy because the only alternative (ie, a ‘non-physical”) is just incoherent.
Oh, and even if that wasn’t the case if you wanted to claim a
proof for "god” you’d need something a lot more robust that a “reasonable working hypothesis” for validation.
… not least because no one has been able to define or demonstrate a necessary entity.....which according to you isn't reasonable at all.
Er, have you forgotten so soon that you precisely
do think you can demonstrate a necessary entity that you call “god"?
Oh, and it’s a dubious claim that there aren’t necessary entities in the universe too in any case by the way.