Me too, babes. If someone starts to tell me to use reason and technology more, yawn. Or sometimes, fuck off, stop seeing me as an image of you.
Both you and Rhiannon are ace posters; and as you know, my take on these matters used to be very much like yours. I do take a more 'reductionist' view of these things now*, and tend to look to the intricacies of brain chemistry to explain many of the phenomena that are often labelled 'spiritual'. But- maybe because I come from an artistic background - I can't quite bring myself to accept that the wonders of the scientific method are going to lead us to sunlit uplands. For instance, for me, the greatest art and music lie all in the past, and no amount of scientific advance of the last hundred years has stimulated anything of the greatness of Berlioz' achievement (again in my opinion). I could name dozens more great names - all from the past. Science has certainly made much of this legacy more readily available, but not stimulated much of true greatness (any fans of Stockhausen, Honegger and Edgar Varese here?).
So, even in my most sceptical phase (right now), I'm not going to start pontificating about what people should or should not believe, though I remain resolutely opposed to religious fundamentalism, as well as the negative effects of authoritarian religion in general (I'm with Shaker on that).
*Gone are the days when I wandered North Wales with Crowley's autobiography in my rucksack, along with Castaneda's 'Journey to Ixtlan' and Colin Wilson's "The Occult". Seem to remember trying to contact the spirit of a beech tree in order to 'do a Crowley' with it. I think I was pretty well barking....