Hi Len,
Just going back to this subject of perception.
Just look at a flower.
You perceive the whole flower, not just part of it...
Well now, Alan, you are not thinking beyond the end of your nose. What you can see depends entirely on the size of the flower and how close you bring it to your eyes. Your brain recognises only a relatively small circle in the centre of your field of vision, the rest is perceived
but not clearly. The brain is only capable of seeing and recognising clearly a very restricted, central area.
...and you also perceive the beauty in the flower. The numerous brain cells involved in this perception are merely messengers.
Except that you are talking about two different sets of brain cells working together. First the part of the brain responding to visual stimulation from the retina in the eye, which you are calling the messengers, and a second, quite different part of the brain which generates aesthetic appreciation.
The recipient of all this is you, not just a collection of random atomic particles.
Not so. The recipient of all this is my entire brain, ME.
You are your soul. Your soul is you.
What you think is a separate part of you is nothing more than your whole brain, working in unison and producing what you perceive as 'you'.