I was once a member -briefly- of a website for Christian mothers. The website was run by a CofE vicar's wife and her old man popped by regularly with nuggets of wisdom. He told one grieving woman -her mum had died a week or so before - that her non-believing mother was damned.
If God answers prayers he'd have answered mine that some of his arsehole followers would shut the fuck up.
The truly disturbing thing about this is that the man was being honest according to his worldview and belief system. Christianity
does preach that non believers (in Christianity) will be damned because Jesus said that he was
the (not
a) way, the truth and the life and nobody gets to the Father except by him. It's in the book, laid out in black and white. Similarly, Islam says that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.
This is why monotheisms are the problem. They make exclusive, absolutist claims. When there's a belief in only the one god, pluralism goes out of the window. If there's only one god, there's only one right way of believing and behaving; only one set of dos and don'ts. Anything else is error, basically, and must be stamped out. This is what leads, directly and ineluctably, to the foul and pernicious beliefs outlined above by that idiot, albeit a consistent idiot. Twat that he is, he was following his beliefs; the beliefs are at fault for turning otherwise ordinary folk into moral imbeciles such as this.