We are among the lucky people who find life fulfilling and understandable without the need of god beliefs.
Fixed that for you - how people get to a fulfilling life isn't that important. Religion is a problem not because people find the 'wrong' sort of fulfillment, but because it too often leads people to try to impose their sort of fulfillment on others.
Being happy is far, far more important than being 'right', but being 'right' is only a problem if your hobby is being 'right' AT people.
Don't understand why you found it necessary to delete part of my post, O, I think it works for Ippy and me.
Don't you think people who are happy are lucky if they are happy theists?
Then that puts you in the same camp as the 'you'd be happy if you only found God' people. You think that you know what's best for everyone and that being like you is the only valid way to be.
How does deluded convert into lucky?
Because their 'delusion' brings them happiness. How do you know it's a delusion? You can't see in their head, you don't know that what they claim is divine revelation isn't really, genuinely, actually divine revelation.
Wouldn't that be a bit like saying the good thing about being potty is at least you wouldn't know much about it?
My daughter's profoundly autistic, has no real concept of other people as actual people, they're just bits of furniture that move and make strange noises to her. It's heartbreaking, at times, that she show no affection, no love, no connection with us or with anyone else, but that pain is ours: she's happy, and she continues to be happy with the simplest of inputs into her life.
She is unaware of the broader 'reality' - as you suggest religious people are - but she's happy, and I can't ask for anything more than that.