The inexplicability of God thus renders redundant all the things that God purports to explain. A line of reasoning is only as strong as its weakest link. 'Acceptance' of God is simultaneously an admission of defeat in our effort to understand things. It says, 'I give up, it must be magic', and that applies to all God-derived notions such as souls, afterlife, evil etc. None of these concepts have any empirical validity, all being built merely on the ineffable paradox of God.
If you limit the scope of your efforts to understand everything to the portal of scientific investigation you will never fully succeed. You need to recognise that there are limits to what scientific investigation can discover about reality. Science may be good at defining the consequences of events, but it does not define the causes of all events. And it does not define the essence of human thought, though it may define its consequences.
There may be limits to what we can discover, that is not a reflection on the limits of science, per se, but a general acknowlegement of epistemiology. Whatever there is that we can discover, however, can be discovered by scientific enquiry, in the broadest sense. If there is a god, which can be discovered, then it can be discovered by science, ultimately. My view on that is that science will never discover god, the reason being that, like four sided triangles, god is not part of the set of discoverable things - because that is how we define god; we define god as inexplicable, beyond all human comprehension. A god that was amenable to dissection and analysis wouldn't really be god at all, it would be a parody, an effigy, a mere representation.
A real god could not actually exist as it would always fall short of the properties of a conceptual god. Just as mathematicians use a concept of infinity to help them solve numerical problems, humans use a concept of god to aid them with their moral compass and existential horizons; and likewise god could not actually exist in reality just as in reality you could not actually have a real piece of string of infinite length. Like 'infinity', 'god' only works as a concept.