I can only explain it through the power of prayer. If you can pray with faith for guidance, God will give you guidance. I personally have to beware of doing things spontaneously, thinking they are good and therefore inspired by God, but on prayerful reflection I often find it is not what God wants me to do. It is all down to the power of prayer.
If you're praying, though, you're already setting your expectation that God is there and might have something for you - you're already searching, and you're already predisposed to presume that any inclination you get is God's will.
You appear to simply take it on faith that this is God speaking, and you're happy with that, and that's great, and it doesn't impact on anyone else in the main, I'd guess. Unfortunately, as a system, that's exactly what Islamic suicide bombers do - and it's uncontestable. You've already decided that a) it's God, and b) God is unquestionable.
That's why a religious mindset worries me - I'm presuming you don't think the urge to blow yourself up in a crowd is actually God's will, but those people are just as certain as you, on exactly the same evidence.
How do you know, given that other people with the same process are fooling themselves into think that they're finding God, that you genuinely are?