Even if this were right, what you've got is a fallible, weak human god substitute that digs people out of post-earthquake rubble and tries to stop babies dying because of cancer. So let's go back a step to why you think it is logical that a loving God created/allows this stuff in the first place.
Is it God or was it man when he handed the world and everything to Satan on a plate. Would you want to live for ever in a body which could get sick and suffer but never die?
Do you wrap your children up and stop them going out to play so they won't get run over or hurt? You allow your children to do as they please within certain limits.
Eventually they would grow up and hate you for not allowing them to live their lives as other children.
Even if this were right, what you've got is a fallible, weak human god substitute that digs people out of post-earthquake rubble and tries to stop babies dying because of cancer. So let's go back a step to why you think it is logical that a loving God created/allows this stuff in the first place.
When it comes to logic the bible is clear that man has been able to decide for himself since day one what his actions will be. You love your child but if he jumps off the top of the slide and hurts himself, is that your fault?
Why is all the bad things Gods fault? Why would God preventing bad things and people from dying help? What you cannot do is put mans own responsibility on God. Adam chose to disobey he brought all the suffering on mankind when he chose to listen to the devil. He handed the world which is marred by Satan, to Satan.
Look at the all the disasters... God did not cause them. Only Satan brings lies, deceit, suffering and death. God does not want this but the number has to be fulfilled that are going to live before he can complete his plan for a new heaven and earth without death or suffering. You need to see that God wants an end a full stop to mankind suffering.