Very nice post, Dickie. I think many traditions have the idea that the 'One becomes Two', in other words, that the spiritual monism can split. In fact, it seems to automatically split, so that each individual consciousness takes itself to be separate. Of course, much of Buddhist teaching is about the non-separateness.
None of this makes sense from a third person point of view, of course. I think that clash between third person and first person is like a huge abyss in these discussions.
As the old joke says, I wouldn't start from here, if you want to get there.
I also think Christianity has confused the two levels, or two categories, so it constructs arguments for transcendence, as if it was like gravity, that is observed by a third party. But transcendence obliterates that, in fact, in Buddhism it obliterates everything. As they say in advaita, nothing has ever happened, which is quite comical really.
Well, a non-dual Yuletide to you, or Saturnalia, or Christmas, or solstice, etc.