For the record, I think that AB is absolutely sincere(excruciatingly so, to my mind). He tends towards prosletyzing at times, but, as far as I can see, his main impulse is that he is trying to communicate what he sees as the truth as regards his take on his religion. When one has an entirely fixed position which seems to allow no acceptance that contrary views have any real merit, when one's position is firmly based on faith and personal credulity, and when one's aim is purely to enlighten others so that they too can share this wonderful faith and hence have the salvation that it offers, then I can quite see where such a person is coming from. I don't see this as trolling in Alan's case. Yes, it can indeed lead to rather unfortunate statements which sometimes seem rather naive or awkwardly expressed, sometimes frustratingly so, but I see his posts, above all, to be genuine, sincere expressions of his desire to convey his sense of faith to others.
As I see it, the only impetus for him changing his views will come from his own self, as, I'm sure, he would probably say the same for me.