I was lucky to be born into a Christian family, so I have had exposure to Christian literature and practices for most of my life. Unlike many of my peer group, I embraced Christianity and started growing in my faith, particularly from my mid twenties. As my interest in religion grew, I looked at other faiths but found them lacking the core foundation of my Christian faith which makes God the centre of my life. Throughout my spiritual journey, I constantly felt it was God calling me into an ever increasing relationship. Like many fellow Christians I felt I was not actively seeking God, but was called by Him. I believe the other religions are genuine efforts by humans to seek God, but my Christian faith came about by God seeking me.
And yet people born into other faiths entirely often also feel themselves to be "lucky", often have looked at other faiths (yours included) and found them less convincing, and often think their various gods are calling to them as well.
Funny that - it's as if the beliefs that are given to you when you're very young prove almost impossible to shake off in later life, despite the poverty of rational argument for them. After all your desperately poor efforts here to reason others into your beliefs only to have those reasons shown to be hopeless essentially all that's left to is the personal faith into which you were indoctrinated before you had the critical faculties to reject them.
I think perhaps the saddest part of that is that you actually think yourself to have been "lucky" to have had that happen to you.
As you show no signs of even attempting to explain how you propose anyone else verify your religious claims, I'll leave you to it.