Anyone can do better with help from God through prayer
So why do we not see this reflected in the results then Alan?
When I say results I mean real world, real time results. It's a certain fact that all over the world, right now at this very moment in time, there will be a huge number - millions upon millions - of faithful, absolutely sincere believers praying for some particular outcome. They may have an illness of their own. Worse (for any parent), they may have a sick child, suffering from something truly terrible such as leukaemia. They may have a loved one who has disappeared - not a random example; this evening I've been watching a film about a man suffering terrible grief, desolation and torment at his missing son, for whom he's looking. The film is fiction but the scenario, I'm afraid, isn't.
We can multiply examples almost
ad infinitum and certainly
ad nauseam but the point is clear. People get their wishes, or don't, and it looks exactly like the operation of sheer random chance. The rain raineth upon the just and the unjust alike, does it not, Alan? People pray and they either get what they pray for or they don't - George Carlin famously said that he gave up praying to God and started praying to the Sun - his prayers were still answered at the same random 50-50 rate but at least he could see the Sun.
You're engaged in a desperate process of trying to "rationalise" (that's in your mind, nobody else's) the random, Alan, and I strongly suspect that you know this perfectly well. I mean - just consider that fact (for a fact it is) and consider what it says about the God you keep saying you believe in.