Hi Len,
I'm sorry, Blue, but I don't see any difference in teaching children that it is wrong to steal, and teaching them that 2+2=4.
However, I admit that may be because I have not learned the difference (if there is one).
But maths teacher's don't just say "2+2=4". What the do say though is, "here's the method by which you can calculate the answers to sums, for example 2+2." That's why they insist on seeing the working out along the way, and why you can still get good marks even if the final answer is wrong.
A religious "fact" though - eg, that man/god was alive for a bit and then dead and then alive again - is equivalent for this purpose to to just teaching "4".
Morality is different again though - that's about methods to an extent (causing least harm for example) - but ultimately it rests on conventions and Zeitgeists that can move over time and place.