The point I am trying to make is that an emergent property such as a termite mound can have no presence in itself. It is just an arrangement of particles. To suggest that conscious awareness is an emergent property is giving the property an additional, undefinable attribute with no justification for how it can attain this attribute.
To understand conscious awareness, we first have to understand that we
are those particles; those particles you keep referring to in a third person sense. Try thinking (this is very crude) of it as each synapse being a single representational piece of awareness, that is what they are essentially, each synapse corresponds to some piece of knowledge or information about our internal state and external environment, and the emergent consciousness stream is the integrated and refined totality of trillions of pieces of such information. We commonly think of ourselves as flesh and blood, or as mammals or humans or lawyers, but at a deeper level, we are information beings, we are made of information, and our internal mental life, our conscious experience is what information flow
feels like. This is why mental things, as opposed to 'physical' things, seem to be intangible, it is because mental things are essentially made of information, not matter.
If that's doing your head in, and I don't blame you if it does, try breaking down the big problem into smaller manageable chunks : try just thinking about a component of conscious experience - eyesight say - ponder on how it works, remembering that what you see when you open your eyes is not what is actually you front of you at all, but an internal cortical representational
sensation that is taking place in the occipital lobe at the rear of your brain. To understand this, it is not going to help if you fall back onto thinking that there must be a soul inside that is receiving the sight experience and actually doing the seeing, because all animals can see, pretty much the same way, and do so apparently without the need for a soul or any other such magic.